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  1. Android News

    Todoist's latest update offers "deep integration" with Google Calendar

    The latest update for Google Calendar now adds the ability to connect your Google Calendar account and will automatically sync your tasks due dates.
  2. Android News

    Todoist app review says it's productivity at its best

    Zan Cerne just published his review of Todoist on Medium for those who have yet to try out its features. He feels Google Keep is over complicated for a to-do list application, and instead uses Todoist thanks to features like rescheduling, categories, and the use of filters to find a task faster.
  3. Android News

    Todoist now uses AI to help you schedule tasks

    The developers of Todoist have announced a new update that includes a Smart Schedule feature. This new feature works across all platforms and it begins learning from your behavior to help you schedule recurring and overdue tasks.
  4. Android News

    Todoist gets a big update with multi-window support

    Todoist for Android has been updated with new features that were previously being tested in beta. The new features include multi-window, quick homescreen actions, and quick reply from notifications for Android N users. For others, in-app search through Google is also supported. The update is...
  5. Android News

    You can now use your Amazon Echo to save items to your Todoist lists

    Todoist is one of the most popular productivity applications and starting today, you can use your Amazon Echo device to save items to your various Todoist lists.
  6. Android News

    Todoist for Business adds activity log and unified notes

    Todoist has updated the business side of their to-do list app today. One of the biggest changes include an activity feed to get a quick look at all the edits made to a list. Other changes include unified notepads for each task list, as well as improvements to voice-enabled task dictation.
  7. Android News

    Todoist for Android brings smarter task input

    Todoist for Android is getting a new update today. Version 9 features new tools for the company's intelligent input system that lets you create tasks using natural language. You can now use operator symbols like # and + to easily add members to specific tasks or projects. The update also brings...