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  1. Android News

    Yelp talks about how they use Continuous Integration in their Android application

    The developers behind the Yelp application are proud of their software and they recently wrote about some of the technical aspects behind the scenes. In a blog post, they focus on how they use Continuous Integration to help them ensure quality on their 8 applications.
  2. Android News

    Yelp will help you find a gender-neutral bathroom

    Yelp will soon allow people to find gender-neutral bathrooms while out and about.
  3. Android News

    Yelp's Nowait partnership will allow you to put your name on a restaurants wait list from the app

    Waiting for a table at your favorite restaurant will soon get a little bit better thanks to Yelp's partnership with Nowait. An update to the Yelp app will allow you to put your name in for a table at a restaurant and receive notification for when your table is ready. If you're running late, you...
  4. Android News

    Yelp will show Pokestops nearby places you search

    Yelp is getting in on the Pokemon GO craze. The company will now add a filter to let you search for places that have a Pokestop nearby.