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Help 1% Battery


Android Expert
OK I have been searching and can not find anything on how to do this. How can you get the battery to show the actual percentage of battery left 64%, 83% and so on. I have seen this on some peoples screen shots so I know it can be done. Thanks
What you've seen are apps like battery left that very roughly estimate the battery life. What you want isn't available. The system only reports 10% increments, so that's all you get.

The estimates that some apps provide are based on usage patterns and aren't even close to accurate within 1% increments.
I use Batter Left, and think it's VERY accurate.
You need to let the battery go from 100% to DEAD, before the widget will start to read the battery percentage more accurately.
Once it reads your entire battery capacity, it will average out your usage patterns, and will even give you an estimated time left [to the minute].
The time remaining isn't very accurate, until your battery gets close to dead (which is when it matters). I find the percentage to be VERY accurate, even though I have nothing to compare\test it against...
Yeah BatteryLeft (what I use) gives you an estimate, not a reading. So it will show for instance 83%, 64% and so on because it's giving you an estimate of what it feels your battery has left based on your personal user habits. The stock battery meter gives you a reading, so you can use them in conjunction with each other.

It does take a few times charging and discharging your battery before BatteryLeft starts really giving you accurate readings. But I feel it is rather accurate once it gets to know your habits.
Battery Left is highly dependent on consistent usage. For me, it was very inaccurate because some days I'm busy and won't do anything on my phone until I get home, but some days I can check Facebook/email/whatever.

However, that's not really the point. Even if you have pretty consistent usage, the point is really that the 1% increments - which the OP was looking for - are both only estimates, and are not nearly accurate to 1%. They just can't be. Your usage isn't robotic, it's organic and changes. So, while BL is a great widget, what the OP wants - 1% increments of battery life - isn't available.
Thanks all, I did install Battery Left yesterday after I saw that it was showing the 1% on it and just thought there was another app on top of that. I have it running to learn the battery pattern. Thanks for all of your help on this as it all makes sense what has been said. Learning more and more everyday about the X and Andriod.
FYI, you can go into the settings and uncheck the box that says "stop calibrating when finished" or some similar verbiage, which will cause the widget to always keep calibrating itself. That gave my substantially better results because my usage varies from day to day, so the widget kept adjusting. It was just never going to be right for me, which wasn't the fault of the widget, but it was definitely better.

Also, the developer is a great guy, very responsive and I sent him a donation for troubleshooting my issue. Regardless of whether the "estimate" works, it's an attractively designed widget with a lot of useful information so it's a nice app in any event.
The phone checks every 10% to save battery, since checking for every 1% would consume more juice.
Lol, not true at all. How would the phone know that it's been depleted by 10% if it's only checking every 10%. That makes no sense.

Maybe it polls the battery less often than phones that display 1% increments, but it's still got to be frequently polling.
You have a point there haha. What I was getting at was that if it gave output at every 1% it would need to poll more often, using more battery. Wrong wording I guess :o
BatteryLife is another sweet app. Its actually a widget and can show the battery percentage, the temperature, what kind of battery it is, and the current mV's. You can also make it any color you want and have it change at any percentage. It doesn't suck the battery life either. My battery lasts a long time and I am constantly on it... All day...
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