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Root A Step by Step Guide to getting Amazon Appstore, & Google Play on a Curtis Klu LT7033

Skip down to post 4 and follow the procedure there. There are a couple of reasons why this may have happened, but following the rooting procedure should eliminate the problem either way.

I've edited the procedure in post 3 to include this problem.

Please post back regarding success, :thumb: or failure. :thumbdown:
Thanks for getting back to me.
I went to post 4. I downloaded and unpacked ADB Driver RK29.zip
Started device manger but could not get “Android _____ (phone, device)
What I get is “Other Devices and under that LT7033 with an (!).
This is the only place in device manager that Lt or android show up.
So I went to post 116 and started there but still nothing other than “other devices”
Under Properties in the device status window it states

“The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)

There is no driver selected for the device information set or element.

To find a driver for this device, click Update Driver”

I clicked the “update driver” and tried to direct the device to the desktop where I had the
“android_winusb.inf” file.
It would not recognize the file.
Needless to say “now what?”
Thanks for your help.
First off don't connect using the other devices listing in the device manager.
I'm going to assume you had usb debugging checked and your usb cable is good.

Windows is notorious for having files that get corrupted or misplaced and that is probably what has happened. If you do a search for something like
First of all I would like to thank SuperNoober for all his help.
I tried another computer and tried using an usb plug in the back of the machine with 2 different cables and still could not get “Android _____ (phone, device).
So can somebody help me with installing a terminal app?
I am not up on the android devices at all.
Just a thought, would I be better off installing an update of the os or going back to factory default?
I really need to get this thing going!
Thank you,
i just bought the curtis klu lt1041-b tonight and when i looked up how to root it it took me to this thread. Ive used this site lots of times to root lots of phones and tabs for myself and friends. Now on this one i followed instructions and running the .bat gets tons of "not able to create file" messages inside cmd window but, at end of run it says im rooted and im NOT. Also that stupid root analyzer sucks bc it says im rooted too and im NOT. Only file i actually have is busybox according to root analyzer. I am able to use the .inf from rk29 drivers to get windopws to recognize the lt1041 but that as far as it goes. Any clues? Im on win7.

Thanks in advance,

Curtis International does not manufacture anything. They buy up surplus, discontinued, and obsolete products from the Chinese market and rebrand the tablets under the Klu, and Proscan brand names. This is why they have so many letters at the end of their model numbers. For instance the Klu model 7035 was up to letter J the last time I looked. The LT7035G had a white back plate and was manufactured by a completely different Chinese company than the LT7035J. What is inside your unit is somewhat of a crap shoot as far as the consumer is concerned. With that said...

The fact that you getting any messages at all on the command window tells me that your connection from the tablet to the computer (adb.exe) is probably working fine. The problem may in fact be that the root toolkit was never intended to work with Jelly Bean (Android 4.1.x and later) The hack used was intended for Ice Cream Sandwich (Android 4.0.4) The root toolkit does work with many of the tabs running Jelly Bean, but your mileage will vary.

Check to see what version of the Android operating system the LT1041B is running. I may need to add it to the list of units that don't work. Sorry.
Hey there I am new to this stuff will all the above steps work on a PLT7044K? Hope you can help Im a poor mom just trying to get Google play on a tablet for my son... If I had realized it didn't come with it i wouldn't have gotten it. Too late now so i sure hope as i said that it works! Let me know please and have a great thanksgiving !!!!
Thanks SuperNoober for all the work and advice on this thread!

I have a PLT7044K-B, yes, a "-B" so it is probably not exactly the same as the 7044K that others have successfully rooted. It is running Jelly Bean 4.1.1 and I've followed the rooting process and believe I've installed the drivers (after editing the .inf file) and I've done all I'm supposed to following the instructions and everything seems to work fine UNTIL I run the .bat file. When the file is run I get "system can not find the path specified" errors all the way through the process.

I'm stumped at this point and am not sure how to proceed. I'm new to Android and don't know too much about the file structures, etc. but in my head it would seem that all I need to do is edit the .bat file to reflect the structure of my tab. Does this make sense and can anyone give me some suggestions, or am I out to lunch on this idea (i.e., something else is the problem).
Again a problem I did not encounter myself so I am guessing. When the Root RK29 Tab Toolkit1.3 Zip is extracted the runme.bat file and a folder named "files" will be in the same path location. If you move the runme.bat file from this location before you run it, the runme.bat file will not be able to find any of the programs it needs to run.

There are two ways to address this if this is indeed the problem. First and easiest is simply to leave the runme.bat file right where it was extracted to and run from there. If this is done it should be able to find all the files it needs without further ado. The other way would be to actually edit the windows path files to include the full path to the "files" folder. Much unnecessary work, so try plan A first.
Good Luck!
Again a problem I did not encounter myself so I am guessing. When the Root RK29 Tab Toolkit1.3 Zip is extracted the runme.bat file and a folder named "files" will be in the same path location. If you move the runme.bat file from this location before you run it, the runme.bat file will not be able to find any of the programs it needs to run.

There are two ways to address this if this is indeed the problem. First and easiest is simply to leave the runme.bat file right where it was extracted to and run from there. If this is done it should be able to find all the files it needs without further ado. The other way would be to actually edit the windows path files to include the full path to the "files" folder. Much unnecessary work, so try plan A first.
Good Luck!

I thought of that and experimented with different locations of the "files" folder and the .bat file, but always kept them together in the same folder. My interpretation of the "system can not find the path specified" error was that the .bat files was trying to, but unable to, find path names in my Tab rather than find files in the "files" folder. Hmmm, interesting that we have different interpretations of the error.

Since a .bat file is just a series of commands strung together for speed and simplicity of the user I may try to manually follow the instructions in the .bat file. Does anyone know if I can do harm with the abd programme? I may have to do some research to find out what these programmes do first.
The adb.exe (Android debug bridge) program is provided by Google for the purpose of communicating commands from your computer to your android device. Before you can use this program you need to have the win-usb drivers installed in your computer and working properly. A simple way to test if both components are working properly is to connect the tablet to the computer, open a terminal window, navigate to the folder that has the adb.exe program in the terminal window, and then run the command: adb devices. If everything is connecting & working properly you should get listing for your tablet. (& other devices if you have others connected so don't, just have the tablet connected for this test.) If everything is connected & working properly, then you should be able to run commands one at a time.

You should find a listing of the adb commands and familiarize yourself with them before attempting to proceed. In fact it would be a good idea to know a little bit about Windows batch file commands and Bash shell commands also.

Really the person you should ask is SferaDev over at XDA. He is the author of the batch file and far more knowledgeable than I concerning this matter.
The adb.exe (Android debug bridge) program is provided by Google for the purpose of communicating commands from your computer to your android device. Before you can use this program you need to have the win-usb drivers installed in your computer and working properly. A simple way to test if both components are working properly is to connect the tablet to the computer, open a terminal window, navigate to the folder that has the adb.exe program in the terminal window, and then run the command: adb devices. If everything is connecting & working properly you should get listing for your tablet. (& other devices if you have others connected so don't, just have the tablet connected for this test.) If everything is connected & working properly, then you should be able to run commands one at a time.

You should find a listing of the adb commands and familiarize yourself with them before attempting to proceed. In fact it would be a good idea to know a little bit about Windows batch file commands and Bash shell commands also.

Really the person you should ask is SferaDev over at XDA. He is the author of the batch file and far more knowledgeable than I concerning this matter.

Well, I'm an old basic programmer from the really old days (TRS 80, Apple //e, etc.) so I'm familiar with "basic" commands and .bat files. I'm now learning a bit about abd and Android to be able to sort out what is going on with my attempts to root my Tab.

What I've verified and discovered so far is this:

The drivers are installed and the PLT7044K-B responds to abt (I followed the .bat file line by line & found errors after some of the lines, but after the reboot command it did reboot).

So far the nub (non technical term) of it is that I'm unable to create the sub directories in /data. One of the first lines in the .bat file attempts to create a /temp subdirectory in /data/local. When I tunnel down it says there is already a /local subdirectory (although it doesn't appear in ES file explorer). When I get to /local and try to create the /tmp subdirectory I get a write permission error (can't remember the exact wording of the error, but the jist of it is that it can't be written to). This probably accounts for the error messages (system can not find the path specified) I get when I run the .bat file.

I've done some initial Google searching on getting permissions on how to write to the directory, but so far haven't come up with any ideas that work (tried "shell sysrw" but abd doesn't recognise the command, tried "abd shell remount" but that didn't work either. Guess I'm going to learn more about Android programming, or if someone can give me some ideas and save me some time it would be great.

I'm getting closer at least!

I don't know if this has been stated, but you can put the APK for the play store in the root script and it will get pushed to /system/app during the rooting process. I had trouble getting file permissions correct, so I tried that and it works fine.

The line I added looks like this.

@echo Pushing Superuser app
@files\adb push files\Superuser.apk /system/app/.
@files\adb push files\com.android.vending-4.1.10.apk /system/app/.

I added it after rooting successfully one time.

New user here-
As a couple others have mentioned, I also did a search on the Curtis Klu 1041B and got directed here.
Just got the tablet and wondering whether to keep it or not. I have heard that if you can't install apps to the SD card then the unit is not worth having. I also was told that 4.1 won't allow apps to be installed to SD card. Before I get into this rooting business I need to know if there is a way to get the unit to be able to install apps to the SD card. Any advice would be greatly appreciated as this is all new to me.
Many thanks to SuperNoober!
I followed Post 2,3, and 115.

If at all possible it may be best to place a reference to post 115 when the google store apk file won't install from the /system/app directory upon reboot.

I nearly gave up, but luckily I read ALL the posts.

THANKS SO MUCH! It is great piece of hardware for the money now.
Did a great job with the Information just wanted to let you tried using this on a newer version of the tablet [ PLT7810K-B ]the Root process worked fine however the installation of the google play store did not work so I am going to attempt to use another set of installation files like that the Gapps. :p
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