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Apps Adt plugin not working in Eclipse


Aug 29, 2012
I'm trying to install the components for developing Android apps on my Mac with Leopard osx 10.5.8. Since i use an outdated version of Eclipse "Ganymede" i have decided to upgrade to 32bit Indigo, i have downloaded the SDK and installed the recomended components with Android manager as explained, this in the Applications directory (where Eclipse is also installed), then i have downloaded the ADT plugin for eclipse successfully, Eclipse asked me to restart and so i did, but when after the restart, i click on Eclipse > Preferences..... i dont see the Android directory, when i create a new project, even under 'Other' there is no Android option, though if i display the installed plugin i see the Android ADT plugin listed I dont think it is a SDK issue, i think the ADT plug in its the cause of the malfunction, but i would not know where to check this since it is correclty installed.
Do you have any advice? the web unfortunately does not provide very useful tips.


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