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Root Advanced restore, only data. Why don't we do this?


Android Enthusiast
I've been using TiBU and Mybackup and multiple apps to help restore data and.... why can't we just do an advanced restore of our data from Clockwork or SPRecovery from our previous rom?

I flashed CM6 and advanced restored my data from BB V0.4 and it worked great. No problems, no FCs, and all my data is there. So why don't we do this when we load new roms?

Is there a high potential for FCs and problems if we advance restore data only from a different rom?

Thanks for any responses!
Can you detail how you did it (including where to go to find it) for folks just coming to TiBu?
I hope I'm understanding your question correctly, how did I advance restore data only.

I just booted into recovery after flashing the rom (before flashing any kernels or themes) and went to advance restore and restored my data only. I haven't had one FC and all my data is present like I never flashed. I didn't have to touch TiBU because everything was restored.

Prior to flashing CM6, I did wipe everything.

I hope I answered your question, sorry if I didn't. Let me know if I didn't.
What I meant was that your original post makes it sound like you're doing some sort of Advanced restore in TiBu - I now realize that you're doing it in Advanced Nandroid Restore.

And to answer your question, for example, if you go from BB to, say, CM, then with BB, the BB Script app that you have will also get restored in CM, which will be a useless app.

Those of us that have enough familiarity will automatically know not to do anything with it, just remove it, but if we tell a n00b to use Advanced Nandroid Restore to restore our apps, invariably someone is gonna try to use an incompatible app and fsck their phone somehow.
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