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After one year, am I screwed?


Mar 2, 2011
Ok, after having this phone for one year I'm totally convinced this phone is the biggest piece of shit ever! On average I do 2 battery pulls a day because of lockups and freezes and just plain slowness.
I've even done a factory reset, wich did nothing.
Battery life is horrible. 3G WiFi is horrible, so looking at the internet is a BAD experience.
So am I stuck with this thing untill my Sprint rebate is due? I have like 250 days or so.
Any suggestions for a new phone?
Sorry for the rant, especially if you like this phone...

Man ,i feel you,i used to own 3 of those suckers on my family plan we upgrade all at once that year and to be honest it live to its name, it really transform into the worst nightmare you can ever imagine,they really stress the crap out of you,best you can do hit craigslist and get urself something better,an used evo or something bit dont keep tyat piece of shit,it will get you an stroke.
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