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Alice: Madness Returns


Android Enthusiast
Jul 20, 2010
As some of you may have noticed, this game is on sale on Steam this weekend. I picked up today and I'm having a hard time understanding why it got the bad reviews it did and why people give it grief. I personally think its a really good and creative game.
So have any of you guys played it? If so, what did you think of it? Stuff you liked, stuff you didn't, just don't do what most people on Steam's forum did and post "this game is s***" and things of that nature.
I'm honestly surprised they didn't put it back on sale for their Halloween sale, seems like it fits that category pretty well. If you missed the Steam sale, EA sent out a coupon code which you can use to get 10-40% off, or 100% if you're one of the lucky few on pretty much every game, including this one.
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I think its a great game. It can get a little repetitive, but what do you expect from hack-n-slash. I like the colors and visuals. The controls are fluid and weapons are interesting.

Maybe I've got a lowered expectation out of things. It allows me to watch movies that hordes of people like to tear apart...Transfromers, Sucker Punch, Expendables, and come away entertained. I don't know?

Their loss, my gain.
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