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Android is becoming unruly

Old news. Nothing to see here.

By the way, ZDNet has become nothing but clickbait for platform zealots. If that's your sort of thing, it can be fun reading, but hardly objective information.
Well, Zdnet is only one source of information. But I think their point is well taken. There needs to be more control over the OS, else they end up with a mess like the Linux distros. But the Linux fans are usually Geeks that can deal with that. The typical Android user though is far from being a Geek - at least not if they want to sell in large numbers.

Control is one of the strength of Apple - they control their stuff very well - and people are buying.

Google is fixing this, no worries

That is a good start. But that is a long haul nevertheless. Having managed a major operating system myself for many years, I know the routine. Let's hope they are successful.
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