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Help antivirus

I wouldn't go that far, but I would say they're not really needed.

irakyiv, what's happening exactly?
I have found several sms, which I had not send and my operator charged me like for premium services, so it's kinda shity feeling. Is that a virus?
Also I found out that if you use mobile banking, some viruses can steal this kind of personalinformation, so now I'm considering the option of slowing down my phone a little, but at least, I would be protected.
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I have found several sms, which I had not send and my operator charged me like for premium services, so it's kinda shity feeling. Is that a virus?
Also I found out that if you use mobile banking, some viruses can steal this kind of personalinformation, so now I'm considering the option of slowing down my phone a little, but at least, I would be protected.

If it was from the app store, you need to pay closer attention to what permissions are requested. It could be very easy that an app requests sms usage for malicious intent. However this is not a virus. This is malware. Totally different. I would again uninstall any suspicious apps, typically ones that say "free satellite tv" or along those sort of lines. With those sort of apps you'd be lucky if you only got push notifications.

Google shows what permissions are requested for a reason. If the list is too long, say a full page, communications, sms, camera, ect. Permissions for say a calculator? Don't download it. We need to be careful when we download from the play store sometimes, because the filter is automated and a little loose. So be careful!

Furthermore, androids environment is weird. Each application is more closely related to a user than an app. Each app is enclosed from the rest of the device in its own little box, unless you give it permission to access other apps. It's kind of like deciding weather an app can be an admin of your phone or just a guest user.

Hope this helps solve future problems!
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guys, I have htc one v and it started to perform weird, my friend says I have catch a virus. what should I do? What antivirus software should I download as soon as I save my phone? thanx!
If at any time you feel your device performance being really sluggish or just not as how it was operating before, you might wanna consider doing a "full reset" to revert the device to its original factory default state.

I just did a reset on my HTC EVO 4G LTE -- and now my phone performance is like how it was when I just bought it.

Also, I've move your thread to its support forum to get some other responses from other users of this device.

Best luck. :)
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guys, thank you for all your replies! I checked all my applications and reset the phone, so now it is going t work properly :)
however, google told me that it is better to have some protection soft. for instance, now there is reduced price for mcafee (about 10 dollars now) and it's ok for tablets as well. is that a good deal?
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