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Anyone else planning on pre-ordering?


Extreme Android User
I typically scoff with derision at early adopters, but I'm giving serious thought to replacing my Kindle Fire with this. The specs make me think it'll perform better than the Fire and it'll do everything the Fire can do plus the apps that aren't available in the Amazon market.
ohh yeah that'll be like switching from Geo Metro to BMW M3.

Kidle is so horrible i got for free and even being free still hated it. I sold it on craigslist and ordered tab 2 7"
Its a tablet, so its not like your locked into a 2 year agreement if it turns out to not be as expected.

But this thing is going to rock :D
ohh yeah that'll be like switching from Geo Metro to BMW M3.

Kidle is so horrible i got for free and even being free still hated it. I sold it on craigslist and ordered tab 2 7"

But both have the same small gas/storage tank ;)
Only a max of 16gb with no SD slot is a dealbreaker for me. Hell my Galaxy Nexus has 32gb. I would have been willing to pay another $25-50 for the extra space (or at least some expansion).
Only a max of 16gb with no SD slot is a dealbreaker for me. Hell my Galaxy Nexus has 32gb. I would have been willing to pay another $25-50 for the extra space (or at least some expansion).

I would not be able to handle 16 GB as my primary tablet. That wouldn't work as well. As a secondary device, 16 GB is fine for my usuage. My primary tablet is a 10" Tab 10.1 that has 32 GB.
The only thing that concerns me is that IPS screen. I used the IPS screen on the Transformer Prime and it just looked like trash. Very bright and you could actually read it on a sunny day (which you can't say for a lot of tablets), but the colors were so washed out. Whites looked yellow and reds looked orangish. I went to the store to look at a display model and it was the same. The colors just didn't look good.
I would not be able to handle 16 GB as my primary tablet. That wouldn't work as well. As a secondary device, 16 GB is fine for my usuage. My primary tablet is a 10" Tab 10.1 that has 32 GB.

Galaxy? How is the battery life on that? After having owned one would you buy one again? I was looking at the 10.1, the new 7 inch, or this Nexus, but I am looking for a primary tablet.
I have the 16 preordered. I figure I have a Galaxy S3 with plenty of memory for things so a lot of my media is not needed on the tablet.
I added my CC account to my google account in preparation of ordering one. Went back to the product page to order it then saw it made no mention of SD or microSD. No sale for me.

I was going to give my Gaxaly Tab 2 7" to my mom and myself use this new unit but I'll wait until this comes out on Amazon with no tax and no shipping charges and buy it for my mama.
Google Nexus Tablet? I love my Samsung Google Nexus phone.

Who wouldn't want a flagship android tablet with the latest OS? :D
Galaxy? How is the battery life on that? After having owned one would you buy one again? I was looking at the 10.1, the new 7 inch, or this Nexus, but I am looking for a primary tablet.

Can't really speak to battery life. I use it almost exclusively at home so I'm using it for no more than 3-4 hours in a row tops. Battery lasts a couple of days and I just charge it when I'm not home. Can't say I have any complaints in that area and I'd buy one again no questions asked. The Transformer Prime is, overall, a much better device except for the screen.
Already pre-ordered. Can't wait. Tempted to switch my phone to one that can run JB now
Is the Sprint Galaxy Nexus available for a JB update or only the ones you can buy from Google Play?
I'm pretty torn on this one. Specs sound great, and I like that it's a Nexus device, and you can't beat the price for a Tegra 3 device with a great screen. But, I'm not terribly impressed by the hands-on videos being released. It doesn't look any smoother than my wife's HTC Flyer. Add to the fact that there's no SD card slot, and I'm leaning towards holding off for a while. I'll hopefully get my S3 by the time this is released, so that will keep me busy for a while. And then I'll read/see what users are saying about the 7.
I want one! But... I want it from a store. Is this gonna be sold at bestbuy, radioshack or pc richard or staples even? If so Im considering it seriously...
Ordered.... Got the 8gig which isn't much but I'm not a traveler and I cant swing the extra 50$ right now. My biggest want was the OS and to have something that will hopefully stay up with the times (software wise).
Preordered the 16gb. I bought a Nook Tablet back in December and I'm loathing it more and more everyday...especially when i have to re-root the damn thing because something happened it did like. I'm seriously looking forward to getting this. I'm also an amazon prime member with cloud space included in the package. No sd slot definitely isnt a dealbreaker for me
I think that the storage space amount is more than enough. I'd be amazed if any of you actually use more than 16gb on any tablet. Other than full fledged games like horn, or hd movies, you'll be hard pressed to fill up that memory
I preordered this afternoon. I am developing the android app of the century :-), and hope that the nexus will be a good machine for testing on the theory that it might actually get regular updates from google for new android versions. My phone only has 2.2 on it.
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