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Anyone have "Obtaining IP Address" (DHCP) problems on their Spectrum 2? How to fix:


Symptom: you try to connect to a wireless (wifi) network and cannot connect. It detects the network fine, but gets stuck at the "obtaining IP address" and never resolves an IP.

There's 2 ways to fix this:

1. Use a static IP and manually enter in all of the info, IP address, subnet mask and gateway. Which works great unless you're in a DHCP-only environment, in which case...

2. You'll need to root the phone and make the following file modification:

The file: system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks needs to have permissions fixed to "execute" by "user" "group" and "others" by using a file explorer in "write" mode

I work in an office with a Cisco wifi setup with 15-20 WAPs. This system makes use of a guest network that uses both a WPA key and http login page to connect...so I had to do option 2 on my Spectrum 2. This is on stock Verizon 4.1.2, rooted with motochopper.
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