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Help apps are installed automatically on phone when i on data connection

Sahil jeet

Sep 6, 2015
Hadron plz mail me at [mod redacted]

In my micro.. Canvas fire 2

When I on the data connection
Apps like hola launcher . battery saver and other apps automatically starts installing and when I turn off data connection and uninstall them and reboot my phone
They are installed in itit. Help
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The question is whether they are downloading from the Play Store or somewhere else?

Log on to the Play Store website from a browser and see whether these apps are listed as things you have installed. If they are play store installs then uninstalling from there should end it.

If they are coming from elsewhere then the problem is one of the other apps you have installed. If you boot into safe mode (some key combination, don't know what one on that phone) it will disable all 3rd party apps, which should allow you to investigate without this happening. Stuff installed from non-Play sites is more likely. If you have Chinese app store apps installed (mobogenie or similar) they'd be an obvious suspect because they do have the ability to install apps rather than just download.

P.S. It's a bad idea to post your email address in public where any web-crawling spambot can see it.
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I think when I will total reset my phone it will fine.
Now the problem is when I reset my phone from setting my phone goes to recovery mode (in micro........ Reset is done by going into recovery mode.
When it goes in recovery mode the recovery mode don t open it restarts .

Tell me app which will totally reset my phone

Or how to reset my phone with PC

Help bro
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OK, so there's your problem. You installed a different recovery which doesn't work. That might just be that the person who built it did it wrong, or because the version you installed was not specifically for your device (in which case not working is the best you can hope for - a recovery that was built for a different device can hard brick your phone).

So you need to either reinstall the stock recovery or find a custom recovery that was built for your specific device and which actually works.
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