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Battery drains from 14% to Zero in secconds

I have HTC one x+, which has a major problem. My phone's battery runs fine otherwise, but once it reached 14%, it goes from 14 to ZERO within seconds. Even if i switch the bluetooth, wi-fi and mobile data off and just keep the phone on side (with screen off), the battery goes from 14 to zero with in seconds.

Would really appriciate if anybody can help me with this.

I think you might find that your phone is behaving correctly. AFAIK the system shuts down below 15% to protect all your data from corruption that may be caused by a sudden loss of all power.
Mine behaves similarly although it's more like minutes rather than seconds after it gets below 15%.
If I keep using it, I'd say 15 - 20 minutes (maybe less, it's been a while since I've let it happen). If it happens, say, right before I leave work and it just sits in my pocket, then it's about an hour.
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