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battery life is terrible

I have a older dorid x and u love rhe phone i actually just bought it from a friend and the phone is great but I fully charge my battery and it only takes like 10-20 min and it tells me its fully charged My oroblem is I can take it off charge and dont use ot all and thw battery will stay good but when i try to cgeck facebook or playa game or use it at all after 5-10 min i get a message saying 5% battery left Is this a regular. Problem with rhese phones or do i need a new battery Please Help
Welcome to Android Forums.

Did you do a Factory Data Reset as the first thing you did on your new-to-you phone? Was it ever root-ed?

I replaced the battery on My Droid X after about 2 years. Near the end it would give me 30min max then20 min ...

I got an OEM replacement on Amazon for about $12.

... Thom
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