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Best messenger app?

Which messenger is the best?

  • Viber

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • WhatsApp

    Votes: 7 100.0%

  • Total voters


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2010
So which is the best messenger in your opinion?

My first was WhatsApp and love it, i'm having to use Viber too because half friends use Viber.

The main difference between the 2 i saw that Viber does calls.

However i fell the user interface is alot easier in Whatsapp, and would be perfect if it had the call function.

Whats you opinion?

P.S. - please vote too for a quick overview reference
- quality of calls sucks
- pressing "exit" twice does NOT exit the app - merely sleeps it
- quality of calls sucks
- can't cancel account - merely deactivate it
- quality of calls sucks
- deactivating claims it will "delete viber from your device" and doesn't
- quality of calls sucks
- very few people I know are on it. and most of them are also on talk and/or skype and/or whatsapp
- quality of calls sucks

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