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Best place to buy a Fascinate?


Android Enthusiast
Dec 6, 2009
So I decided to buy a Fascinate over the Incredible. Here are the purchase options that I know of (I'm upgrading a family plan line):

1. Verizon = $199
2. Amazon = $150
3. Wireflyfriends.com = $99

Am I missing anything? I'm a little leery of Wirefly - there are some pretty bad reviews of them on the web, but it looks like lately they've been trying to get better (I see feedback replies from them, their recent reviews on resellerratings.com are better than before).

honestly? for me, i say verizon- cause i had to get my phone replced, and if you buy from non verizon online or elsewhere- you have to have it replaced by that seller. my phone was bought by my dad several states away and shipped to me. had it been bought anywhere other than a verizon company store, i would have had to ship it back and wait for a replacement. as it is, I got handed a new from the box phone. much better than being without a phone for days or longer...
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I got mine at Radioshack for $99.99. Also, Radioshack's insurance plan is WAY superior to Verizons. I believe Verizon jacked up their rates and it's something like $8/month and a $90 deductible?

Radioshack's insurance is $125 upfront for 2 years of warranty and a $0 deductible on replacements. They also replace 1 battery/year as well if needed. Comes out to be only $5.20/month and no deductible. Win, freakin, win.
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