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Bigger Resolution smaller calender


May 20, 2011
Hi All,

After a bit of a wait I now have my Note4. In general I like this phone, although I have one thing that does annoy. I may be missing some setting (I hope I am) to correct, but at present its got me beat.

In S Planner, in month view, all my appointments/events are cut off.
On my Note 3 in the same mode the events wrap around.
I would have thought with the higher resolution of the Note 4, and the fact that the S Planner has slightly altered, (no view picker down the side) that you would be able to fit more text on the screen. Seems strange that you can in fact fit less?

Please see the screenshots of the same view in the Note 3 and the Note 4. As you can see on the Note 4 all the events are cut off after a few letters. Although on the Note 3, the text wraps around so all the text is showing.
I know that you can hover over an event with S Pen (not your finger as you could with the Note 3), but this seems a bit long winded, if you just want a quick look at your calendar for the month.

I have even gone into general settings and changed font size to tiny, but this didn't work either.

Does anyone know if there's a setting or option to wrap text?

Any help/advice would be most welcome.

Note 3 screenshot first, then the Note 4.
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I too thought it was standard on all recent Samsung products.
Using S Search was a great idea, but it didn't work - no application found.
Just for fun I searched for S Note and it was found and listed under 'applications' as in your screen shot.
S Planner and "Calendar" are the same apps. The name is just different depending on where you bought your phone from. Verizon and other US Carriers often change the name to Calendar because when people look for the Calendar App, they expect to see that word. S Planner is confusing to a lot of user. They'd just assume it was something else.
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Well that sorted out 1 problem with S Planner sometimes called Calendar , I sort of understand the logic in this, as is a calendar after all :).

This now goes back to my original query, which by all accounts looks to be the same for everyone.
I understand what you mean AG, and I guess at the end of the day its down to personal preference.

I liked the way I could look at the month view and see all my events/appointments, quickly.

I was fully expecting this to look a lot better on the Note 4 due to higher resolution screen, so was a bit disappointed when less was showing. Shame.

Thanks anyway everyone for checking this out, much appreciated.
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