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Root Bluetooth Radio ON = slowdowns?


Android Expert
Any of you guys notice the phone running noticeably slower when bluetooth radio is on?
I'm not sure why but it seems to crash android_system on ocassion too while toggling it.
Any of you guys notice the phone running noticeably slower when bluetooth radio is on?
I'm not sure why but it seems to crash android_system on ocassion too while toggling it.

this only happened to me when i removed the music.apk but soon as i restored the music.apk it was all good and fast it seems the bluetooth is binded with music.apk which sucks. I hope that is the problem you are facing and can be solved this way
Thank you sir. So far so good, man I looked at everything else lol. Config files, services, processes, logs. I hope that was it. I never noticed it because I kept bluetooth disabled, I also want to mention that removing music app and enabling bluetooth causes reboots. Just something for people rebooting to look into.

Just confirmed this. I'd imagine the same thing would happen to anyone using titanium backup to freeze the music app wich might seem harmless enough, but it's definately not.
Thank you sir. So far so good, man I looked at everything else lol. Config files, services, processes, logs. I hope that was it. I never noticed it because I kept bluetooth disabled, I also want to mention that removing music app and enabling bluetooth causes reboots. Just something for people rebooting to look into.

Just confirmed this. I'd imagine the same thing would happen to anyone using titanium backup to freeze the music app wich might seem harmless enough, but it's definately not.

lol yah i found it out the hard way when i first froze music.apk phone feels like a ascend when ever i turned on bluetooth but ur welcome im glad to be of help
I just signed up to this site just to say THANK YOU!!. Wow Ive been trying to fix my blue tooth problem for 5 days now using 3rd party apps and posting on other forums and no one knew it was as simple as unfreezing the music app.
Thanks a lot now i don't have to take my phone back to the store for a new one.
It's always good to see people revolve thEir problem...

Btw, you guys have problem pairing with another device?
It's always good to see people revolve thEir problem...

Btw, you guys have problem pairing with another device?

Yes that was the major problem i had besides the lag when bluetooth was on. I couldnt pair with any device at all and i tried lots. My ipod touch 4th gen, my girlfriends samsung galaxy indulge, my friends Optimus, my moms samsung admire, my playstation 3, my 4 computers and all failed to pair. I noticed that when i hit pair the passkey window would not show up on my esteem until after i was fed up with waiting and i would disable bluetooth then the passkey window showed up. But it was too late since bluetooth was disabled. Then after searching the internet for days i came across this thread and when i unfroze the music app as suggested above my phone starting working 100% again.
Yes that was the major problem i had besides the lag when bluetooth was on. I couldnt pair with any device at all and i tried lots. My ipod touch 4th gen, my girlfriends samsung galaxy indulge, my friends Optimus, my moms samsung admire, my playstation 3, my 4 computers and all failed to pair. I noticed that when i hit pair the passkey window would not show up on my esteem until after i was fed up with waiting and i would disable bluetooth then the passkey window showed up. But it was too late since bluetooth was disabled. Then after searching the internet for days i came across this thread and when i unfroze the music app as suggested above my phone starting working 100% again.

did that fix the Bluetooth pairing issue?
yup im able to pair to any device without problems whatsoever and i am able to send/receive with the default bluetooth share and i got rid of all the third party apps.
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