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BTWifiUnlocker or similar to unlock phone at home


Android Enthusiast
Jan 22, 2011
I've been using BTWifiunlocker for the last couple of years to keep my phone unlocked when connected to trusted Wifi networks or BT devices - home, work, car etc. This week I wiped my Galaxy Note 3 and rebuilt it. When I went to download the app again it said that it was not compatible with my phone. I had backed up the app and went to reinstall it but it wouldn't work (it's an apz file and not an apk?) I have emailed the developer but haven't heard anything.

I have tried using Tasker but haven't been able to get anything to work successfully. I am currently using Smart Lock which is built in to the phone but it still makes me swipe now and then. Does anyone know of an app which reliably keeps the phone unlocked when connected to known Wifi networks and/or BT devices?

Thanks for any help.


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