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Help Cannot install updates in HTC MyTouch 4g


Oct 8, 2012
Hello folks,

I have download the new updates for my HTC Mytouch 4g, with android 2.2, but when the download is finished and proceed to install at the 15% the installation stops and just says Intallation aborted. Please help, I am experimenting some problems with my phone, frecuently restart itself and I think maybe with this update will be fixed any problem.
Hello Nebadon, and welcome to Android Fourms!

Is your phone the T-Mobile MyTouch? If so, people who are more familiar with your phone can probably better assist you in the T-Mobile MyTouch 4G forums. If this is not the right forum and you have a different phone, please post back and let us know so that we can get you in the right forum where you can get some help.

Feel free to let us know if there is anything else we can assist you with. :)
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