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Help Can't Download stuff from native internet browser & Google Play Store. Mytouch 4G


Mar 3, 2013
Hey guys,

I'm relatively new to the whole Android family and OS. I just got MyTouch 4G and its running a Froyo2.2 OS.. Problem is everything works just fine except two things, first off, I can't download anything via the native browser. whenever i reach the download page link and click on it, a dialogue pops up asking me to complete a said action via internet or operamini..bla bla.. I can download through other browsers like opera mini.. Secondly, i can't download apps from the new google play store, its keeps telling me "Error no connection" after i hit the install link..(i've tried so many supposed fixes like, (clearing caches, uninstalling and installing play store, adjusting date and time)for this particular issue, but to no avail.. Pls help. Thanks


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