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Root Difference between Rfs and EXT4

Did you backup all of your apps with Titanium, flash the ROM, and restore them? If so this can sometimes cause problems. You'll have to reflash to fix this. Also one thing that may help is using titanium backup to remove Sprint ID and tutorial/help widgets etc. I think it is the Platinum ROM (I just installed the theme) that adds like 3 or 4 different launchers. I'd uninstall the ones you don't need as well
EDIT: I'm using rfs not ext4 and I'm still getting right around 9 on Linpack and 285 quadrant

EDIT 2: AVG is another one I uninstalled.
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I have no clue. Some of mine are like that. Uhhhhhhhhhhh. If you no longer need Sprint ID I would just uninstall it. That's basically all I uninstalled. Plus the stock launcher, launcherPRO and that other launcher that starts with a "z" that came with it. I use ADW Launcher EX and I don't need all of those other ones :p
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Some people do get a little nervous about that, but my phone has had system apps uninstalled since 2.1 root and it has never caused me any problems. You can always just make a backup of them and if you want them back just restore them. I've never had anything bad happen though and I've removed a lot of system apps.... gallery, the stock launcher, Sprint ID and the widgets etc
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