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Help Difinitive upgrade guide for numpties!

Apologies in advance - many questions!

I'm sure these have been asked many a time, so apologies for the repetition, but I can't locate quite what I'm looking for; which is a definitive guide (for numpties) to upgrading the OS (from 1.6 to 2.1) on the XperiaX10, keeping, as best as possible, all your current configuration (see below).

Last time, when SEUS prompted me to upgrade, there was no warning and I lost everything.

So, is it actually possible to keep everything? For example:

Keeping apps, together with their status and configuration - i.e. my Angry bird stars or my ESPN sports settings

Keeping widgets with all their set-up, i.e. London Underground live time widgets for specific stations, my shares, everything I've spent ages setting up for many many apps

Keeping all ADW Launcher configuration, themes etc.
Keeping Handscent text configuration, contact pictures etc. and the system settings that mean I use handscent, not stock, that I use my own keyboard, not stock, etc. etc.

Keeping contacts with all their associated numbers and pictures, ring tones and text tones assigned using tone picker and handscent apps.

Keeping text history etc.

Basically, keeping everything as it is now. Like you can upgrade a PC from one service pack to the next without worrying, and everything is how you left it on the PC!

I've heard stories that the standard "Backup and Restore" app has problems when going from 1.6 to 2.1 and things are "lost" - and that you shouldn't rely wholly on it.

I've been told about apps like "MyBackup Pro", but also told that they are buggy. Which ones are best in your opinions, or easiest for a beginner to use?

I've been told that stuff on the SD card remains untouched by the upgrade; but how do I know what is on my SD card, and what is on the phone and what is on the sim? File Manager doesn't seem to specifically say what is where. What can I move without affecting the working of the phone.

Is there a decent guide on this site that I have missed, in a dedicated thread?

Sorry for so many questions. I really want to upgrade my phone to 2.1; but I don't want to have to spend ages afterwards re-downloading everything and setting everything up and spending countless nights being anti-social in the pub trying to get my Angry Birds stars back!

Thanks for listening. :D
Bu66er. :mad::mad::mad:

Bit the bullet and updated after supposedly backing up contacts and apps.

Useless. Nothing will restore. All apps gone, won't restore. All set-up gone. What a croc of sh*t.
Well - now some contacts have re-appeared; but some obscure ones I haven't used in ages, and not my usual contacts.

And file manager shows files and folders for all my old apps - but I don't see the apps on the phone. I can't get at the backup apps. The file system looks a mess; there's huge files there that I can't access.

What is going on? Please help? Are my phone apps "recoverable" since they appear to be in the file system? :(:(
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