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Root drastic battery change after flashing (dGB)


Well-Known Member
Ok so after flashing to dGB I was getting some minor disparity between the wake up screen and the status bar battery icons. Quite often (even after a full nights charge) the wake up screen would report the battery as being 82% full while the status bar would say 99%. There would often be a difference of 10-15% between the two figures. Sometimes after switching off and on they'd report the same % but letting it go to sleep and waking it up could produce different result every time.

So I did the "reset battery stats" trick as mentioned here in several places.... and now it is much much worse.

After a full nights charge with the phone switched off they both report 100% charge but this can drop maybe 1% every minute. If I let the battery drain for a bit then put the phone to sleep and wake it up again the wake screen can report 70% while the status bar can report 40%.
Play with a few apps to use up some battery and suddenly the phone switches off with a very brief (2 seconds) warning to plug in a charger. Plug in the charger then take it out after a minute or two and the wake screen reports "connect your charger" while the status bar says 1% or there abouts depending on the charge time.

Isn't it supposed to switch off long before reaching 0% ???

Another anomaly is that with the battery being reported as say at 80%, I plug in the charger and the animated charging icon won't come up and the LED will go straight to green.

I'm running Watchdog and it isn't reporting anything out of the ordinary... in fact far from it, when I run it in real time it reports itself as being the greatest cpu hog at 3-4%

The system reports the biggest battery hog as the screen.

The battery was working fine before flashing - full charge would last all day and still have heaps left when I plugged it in a bed time.
Sounds like you have debris or even physical damage associated with your charge port. Try to blow it out with dusting spray and see if that helps, if it's physical damage that probably requires shipping to Sanding.
What's the wake up screen?

If you mean the lock screen, that battery % has never worked. Actually quite a lot of the lock screen stuff is broken
What's the wake up screen?

If you mean the lock screen, that battery % has never worked. Actually quite a lot of the lock screen stuff is broken

:D Yes sorry, it's just my own made up name for the lock screen.

Right I guess I'll just disable the lock screen goodies then.
Just fyi the "next calender event" widget has worked flawlessly for me thus far ... but I'll disable it too though just in case.

Battery stats has nothing to do with what % of battery remaining is reported.

Good to know. Cheers.

Any ideas about the rapidly dropping battery level? I've read of people saying that they can get close to 3 days off one charge on dGB. For me I appear to be going through battery quicker than before the flash - I just sent a text to someone and lost 6% (from full).

I'll order up a new battery just in case mine's wearing out (well it is 2 year old now :D) but as I say I didn't notice it before.
Ok cheers that sounds very likely - I'll have a crack at this.
One thing (remembering that I'm an android/linux doofus) the guide says I need a such and such kernel. Is it the one that comes with your ROM?... because that's what I have.
The guide specifically relates to oxygen's _thalamus kernel, however yes, the default dGB kernel supports this.
Well I did it. :D I don't know if it has addressed any of my issues yet.

It took forever to charge back up again from flat so (following the LYPTFA instruction) I just left it in charge/aeroplane mode over night... leaving me in a bit of a panic as my phone is my alarm clock too.

I kept checking throughout the night and the orange charge light was on but I finally awoke this morning to a green LED but only 92% charge. I took my daughter to school then came back and put it back on charge again - green LED remained on. This time it has gone up to 100% though and even occasionally flashes up "full" in the notification area - I don't think I've ever seen that before.

The charger is still plugged in and I'm going for a reboot. Should I reset battery stats before it comes back on?
Nope. Battery stats are nothing to do with any of this. Not sure where this myth originated.

Led goes green at 90% BTW. Always.
Nope. Battery stats are nothing to do with any of this. Not sure where this myth originated.

Led goes green at 90% BTW. Always.

Cool. I didn't do it in the end I just went for a straight forward reboot. Battery is currently sitting at 55%... which I suppose is kind of ok for the up-time and usage its had today - a couple of texts, 2 short calls, 20 odd emails and I used a timer for tonights tea... but I know it can be better.

Acording to the nexus one battery calibrator my battery age is 82% after the calibration so I'm gonna look for that new battery I was thinking of getting and see if I can improve on that.

Thanks for the green LED headsup.

So what is the reset battery stats actually for then?
Set the age at 100 next time but yeah maybe a new one would be on the cards. But what screen on time are you getting vs total up time?

What are battery stats? Well you know it says 70% of the battery used was used by the screen? That is a battery stat. They wipe every time you charge the phone anyway. In 2.2 a reboot wiped them.

Wiping battery stats is not useful. At all.... in any circumstance I can possibly conceive.
I don't know to the first one.

Settings, about phone, battery usage. You honestly never been there?
I don't know to the first one.

Well, if it's supposed to stay at 100% after you have set it to that in the calibration then I suppose I should go for it again.

Settings, about phone, battery usage. You honestly never been there?

I was actually on that page when I wrote the above... but I have no idea what it is telling me or how to interpret it. :D

Display = 67%
Mine still says 100%...

So on that page, you have display, voice calls etc... you can query each further by pressing (thereby opening) each one
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