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[FALSE. HTC has made 2.2 Avail NOW! 8-2-2010] EVO 4G Froyo 2.2 Update Suspended Indefinitely

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If so then them putting the "leak" up on their site, ripping it down and now delaying it would make perfect sense. They basically use folks as guinea pigs and then put up the "disclaimer" as not to download it since its not official.
A lot of people with under 10 post are claiming that sprint will not have any updates tomorrow. uh oh

Hey just call yourself if you're skeptical or wait until tomorrow. Either way, it doesn't really matter what I post in these forums, becuase 2.2 will happen when it happens whether or not I'm right or wrong. I sure hope I'm wrong and the agent I spoke with is wrong though, cuz I would love me some Froyo!
If this rumor turns out to be correct, then the people who did not update would be the ones suffering.

I have a fast, reliable, full flash 10.1, working Froyo 2.2.

I can wait for all eternity because I don't think the difference in the final release would be "that" different from what we updated.

Word, and this "unofficial" update didnt even blow away my settings, it backed everything up. Text messages and all. Its way faster too, before there was a noticable lag when swiping through home screens with a moving background on, not anymore. Long live the return of the animated background!
Call sprint..you'll see....under 10 posts...over 10,000 posts...its all the same..No 2.2 tomorrow.

Dude i am messing with ya'll oh calm down relax you will be ok. First if its true who cares we got Froyo already unofficial or not. Its rooted. Second i am not crazy desperate that i'll call sprint. I enjoy life too much to waste my time with a Phone. I have Froyo and whoever does just have fun.
In defense of the OP, I'll just say this....
I was on the phone with Sprint Premiere Support last Friday, after they had called me for info on testing 4G speed that I have been working with them on since I purchased 2 EVO's almost 6 weeks ago. I have also been working with Upper Level Tech support on this as well. They have been calling me, and we have done a considerable amount of testing.
Friday, they had called and left voicemail, as I had missed their call. I called back and was providing an update of the testing status. When we had finished that, I asked the Rep if they had heard anything on the update. He stated that they received word last Thursday that the update had been delayed. He said that they weren't given a reason, or date. I know, this was last Friday that he told me this so anything could change before tomorrow. ONE thing DID change. They changed the version and date of update on the following Sprint page. Last friday, it read the NEW version. For those that have been keeping up with the posts, you would have gone to the site Friday when it read the current version as the link was posted on this Forum. Today, it reads the current version. You want a link: here it is:
Support - Article
If it turns out to be true, quite a shame for Sprint's reputation since they press released that they'll be the first major carrier with FroYo. I've been running FroYo since last week and honestly, there's not much of a difference in the usability of the phone. Things might be a little bit faster, but other than that, not much difference to me. I really wish HTC would fix the 30FPS issue though because running Baked Snack with the fps fix makes gliding through home screens a pleasure.
not so true for all. i have the 2.2 file myself but didnt install as i was waiting for the official.

if the FOTA does not happen i still have the file and its all over the World Wide Web... so if folks want it they will find it.. you may even see people selling it on fleabay.. :D

If this rumor turns out to be correct, then the people who did not update would be the ones suffering.

I have a fast, reliable, full flash 10.1, working Froyo 2.2.

I can wait for all eternity because I don't think the difference in the final release would be "that" different from what we updated.
No one _exploited_ anyone as guinea pigs.

We stepped up to the plate and decided with full awareness to give it a go.

We weren't forced.

I don't know what we may have found in the way of any defects other that ensuring some of the right configurations or clearing buffers or whatever it was.

A simple factory reset to clear out whatever internals got tangled and a radio configuration step (maybe necessary because of the reset) have led to really great performance.

If that sort of feedback from the _volunteers_ has potentially helped the community at large - then, great.

Anyone who got an update NOT via HTC directly ought to have known they made a _choice_.

The root of the file location was a twitter leak from an app developer that makes a rooting product.

Twitter from root product vendor does not equal HTC/Sprint mainline.

Accusing HTC of using us as a guinea pigs - ok, whether we volunteered or not - has merit in only a certain sense.

But remember - we volunteered as lab rats - happily.

Big difference between used as volunteers and being exploited is HUGE - my root point.

We never complained that they kept the update of the Release Candidate (not final) to a select few.

Our beef was we weren't included in the select few.

So - we included ourselves.

It's that simple.

not so true for all. i have the 2.2 file myself but didnt install as i was waiting for the official.

if the FOTA does not happen i still have the file and its all over the World Wide Web... so if folks want it they will find it.. you may even see people selling it on fleabay.. :D

Yup. LOL I was holding out thinking patience would pay off for me on the 3rd...now Sprint is trying to test me...I don't know if I'll pass the test :p
No one _exploited_ anyone as guinea pigs.

We stepped up to the plate and decided with full awareness to give it a go.

We weren't forced.

I don't know what we may have found in the way of any defects other that ensuring some of the right configurations or clearing buffers or whatever it was.

A simple factory reset to clear out whatever internals got tangled and a radio configuration step (maybe necessary because of the reset) have led to really great performance.

If that sort of feedback from the _volunteers_ has potentially helped the community at large - then, great.

Anyone who got an update NOT via HTC directly ought to have known they made a _choice_.

The root of the file location was a twitter leak from an app developer that makes a rooting product.

Twitter from root product vendor does not equal HTC/Sprint mainline.

Accusing HTC of using us as a guinea pigs - ok, whether we volunteered or not - has merit in only a certain sense.

But remember - we volunteered as lab rats - happily.

Big difference between used as volunteers and being exploited - my root point.

We never complained that they kept the update of the Release Candidate (not final) to a select few.

Our beef was we weren't included in the select few.

So - we included ourselves.

It's that simple.


not so true for all. i have the 2.2 file myself but didnt install as i was waiting for the official.

if the FOTA does not happen i still have the file and its all over the World Wide Web... so if folks want it they will find it.. you may even see people selling it on fleabay.. :D

I grabbed the File last Friday also, and also thought I'd wait and see what happens.
I am sure Sprint and HTC will be working overtime to get this thing out. If they made a big statement with them being the first to have Froyo they are going to have to live up to that.
Here ya go ya unbelievers:

Your session ID for this incident is 669032.
Time Details
08/02/2010 06:23:52PM Session Started with Agent (Ryan K)
08/02/2010 06:23:52PM System: "Thank you for contacting Sprint. My name is Ryan K."
08/02/2010 06:23:52PM -------: "Froyo?"
08/02/2010 06:23:58PM -------: "Hello Ryan"
08/02/2010 06:24:06PM Agent (Ryan K): "Hello ---."
08/02/2010 06:24:09PM -------: "Rumor is the Evo 4G users are not getting Froyo tomorrow"
08/02/2010 06:24:17PM -------: "due to some delay in fixes"
08/02/2010 06:24:38PM -------: "Can you confirm this to be true or not, or can you check with another department concerning this?"
08/02/2010 06:25:44PM Agent (Ryan K): "---, please provide your concern regarding the froyo in details so that I can check this for you."
08/02/2010 06:26:36PM -------: "Android 2.2 is rumored to be delayed from the original August 3rd release (press release from you guys last week), due to some required fixes that will not make the deadline."
08/02/2010 06:26:54PM -------: "This is specifically for the Evo 4G handset."
08/02/2010 06:27:24PM Agent (Ryan K): "Thank you for the information."
08/02/2010 06:27:29PM Agent (Ryan K): "Please allow me a few moments to check this for you."
08/02/2010 06:29:31PM Agent (Ryan K): "Thank you for your patience."
08/02/2010 06:29:55PM Agent (Ryan K): "---, it is correct. The Android 2.2 client initiated download availability date is delayed."
08/02/2010 06:30:30PM Agent (Ryan K): "A revised availability date will be communicated very soon."
08/02/2010 06:30:45PM Agent (Ryan K): "Sprint and HTC are working together to ensure availability as soon as possible."
08/02/2010 06:31:00PM -------: "Ah ok"
08/02/2010 06:31:02PM -------: "Thanks!"
08/02/2010 06:31:22PM Agent (Ryan K): "I appreciate your understanding in this regard."
08/02/2010 06:31:33PM -------: "Is there a BALLPARK date though?"
08/02/2010 06:32:26PM Agent (Ryan K): "I am sorry. We do not have any information about it as of now."
08/02/2010 06:32:39PM -------: "Ok no problem. Thanks again. Have a good day!"
08/02/2010 06:32:46PM Agent (Ryan K): "You too."
08/02/2010 06:32:51PM Session Ended

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LOL, this post reminded me of the Charlie Murphy vs. Prince in basketball (Chapelle Show). "I dare you...challenge him. This cat can ball!....then he made us some pancakes."

Yah, Charlie Murphy's Stories on Chappelle were the BESTEST!

I don't see why everyone jumping on your back just becuase you posted something that we should all be aware of anyhow.
You big meanness will eat your words when he is right tomorrow. Some people on here need to learn how to treat others with the common decency we are all entitled too. The early release has problems maybe the official release does too:/


I think you maybe right. I have been trying to update and download some apps and I have been waiting for hours for them to download and nothing happened it just stalled on "starting download". So I did a factory reset to flash back to 2.1 and voila I now can install and update my apps. I wonder if any other early froyo adopter encountered this same problem?
I have no idea if the OP is right or wrong and it's not a big deal to me either way, but I have to say....REALLY?!? Trusting CS to know what they are talking about and posting phone calls and chats as proof?!?!?

We all know CS is always so up-to-date with the correct information <insert sarcasm font>
Eh, whatever. The two minutes I had to wait for him to check with another department was good enough for me.
I have no idea if the OP is right or wrong and it's not a big deal to me either way, but I have to say....REALLY?!? Trusting CS to know what they are talking about and posting phone calls and chats as proof?!?!?

We all know CS is always so up-to-date with the correct information <insert sarcasm font>

But you really think they'd actually confirm or deny something while they know their chat is being logged. If it wasn't true, don't you think CS would just post something like, "I'm sorry sir, we don't have any information to confirm or deny those rumors" ????
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