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FAVI keyboard with Nexus 7?


Android Enthusiast
Jun 29, 2012
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I have one, it's well made and works very well. Key size and spacing is a bit tight (not good for fast typists) but I much prefer it to the onscreen keyboard if I need to type more than a couple of words on the Nexus 7 - if nothing else it doesn't waste screen real estate and you get real cursor keys which makes editing so much easier.

It has a useful backlight (switchable) for the keys and comes with a USB BT for use with devices that lack built-in BT, not needed for the Nexus 7 of course. The mousepad is small but surprisingly good, better than most I've used, but not really essential when using the Nexus 7.

If you don't mind the small keys I say go for it.
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Links are cool :)

Looks neat, not sure if they'd ship over here, but I'd definitely give it a go if they did.

I bought mine from an UK ebay supplier but he seems to have since disappeared...

There are others though, if you want one. They tend to cost more than the US price of course, here's an example currently listed.
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