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Free Calls To Usa & Canada. Anyone use NetTalk?


Well-Known Member
Jan 3, 2009
I downloaded and registered NeTalk but have not tried it yet as I am outside the usa and friends are sleeping at this time. just wondering if anyone else has used it. might be a good replacement of Google Voice for us that can not get a number since we live outside the usa.
I downloaded and registered NeTalk but have not tried it yet as I am outside the usa and friends are sleeping at this time. just wondering if anyone else has used it. might be a good replacement of Google Voice for us that can not get a number since we live outside the usa.

Installed, tried, uninstalled.
Bad or zero connection, could be a good app. Waiting for updates.
I'm on Virgin Mobile Canada, with Samsung Galaxy S
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Any updates on NetTalk? I decided to give it another try and seems to work. I made phone calls from my car and also over Wifi from home and both connections were acceptable.
I was wondering if it's working if I'll call Canada from Punta Cana on Wifi using Nettalk with roaming data turned off. In this case if it's working, could I be charged by Virgin Mobile, or the deal is just between my Galaxy S and the loco Wifi?

Thanks for any feedback,
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