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Front facing camera verizon phone?

Only has a month?

Anyway, I think DInc is a great possibility. I'm not sure what exacty he needs Video conferencing for, but I think it does what is needed. You can either watch the other end, or let them watch you. However, if he really needs to do both, he could just do this. Get an oversized case or carrier (maybe one that is designed for an Extended battery) and then slide a small pocket sized mirror in it. There are some that have stands that might be ideal for standing up behind it on a table. I suppose that might be optomistic. Anyway, just a thought.

I think I might try to be creative and go to a craft store and create my own mirroring contraption. If I ever get around to it, I'll post it up.
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You will not likely see a front facing camera on Verizon's network until they roll out LTE. That video chat is a data intensive feature, and would likely require 4g to work properly.

Hopefully the Droid X will be out within a month. As far as the Incredible goes, I think online back orders have been pushed back until July 13 anyway, so that might not even be an option for him either.
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Only has a month?

Anyway, I think DInc is a great possibility. I'm not sure what exacty he needs Video conferencing for, but I think it does what is needed. You can either watch the other end, or let them watch you. However, if he really needs to do both, he could just do this. Get an oversized case or carrier (maybe one that is designed for an Extended battery) and then slide a small pocket sized mirror in it. There are some that have stands that might be ideal for standing up behind it on a table. I suppose that might be optomistic. Anyway, just a thought.

I think I might try to be creative and go to a craft store and create my own mirroring contraption. If I ever get around to it, I'll post it up.
Interesting idea. Attach a mini periscope-type contraption to the camera lens so that it looks back the other way. Who needs a front-facing camera? :D

Here, try something like this:
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