I thought it was a pretty well put together keynote. Was not awkward like the S4 announcement, was way different vibe then the google i/o
The new MBA's are, well, nothing really special, I thought. Probably not much more then a glorified iPad with keyboard.
Some features for iOS 7 was, available on android for a while now. Wow, animated wall papers? Controls? Multitasking? Still, nice to see apple innovating here...
I do admit, this does make iOS 7 much better looking and a little less walled garden, but still, its apples world.
iRadio. Meh.
iWork cloud, looks interesting, but google docs anyone?
the keychain? Been there, done that, more places doing something like this. Hell, I think mint linux does this.
Apps that auto update? Check, been there.
All in all, looks like more of the same.
iOS playing catch up once again.
Though it seems to be more polished, things seem to mesh together better, thanks to the ecosystem.
The only "innovation" I really seen there was the Mac Pro. Thing looks like a jet engine on its side. A 12core xenon CPU. Sure the heck is pro to me, I will stick with my MBP. Besides, that thing was not aimed at me anyway.
Was iOS 7 enough to nudge me toward it!? With all the trouble I have been having recently with many of my android devices?
My sisters s3? My note 2, my wifi nexus 7, my 3g nexus 7?
Given the fact that I ditched Windows and I have been pretty much windows free for some time now, I do NOT miss it, I miss windows even less now that I can manually tinker with my android devices.
So, I guess I got some thinking to do.
Either way, it is a wash....