so the felon in chief's crusade of deporting illegal immigrants is going to cause food prices to go up. you guys bitched and moaned about Biden's economy and how groceries prices were too high. well now you guys get to reap what you sowed.
it has been reported that citrus workers in Ca have not reported for work for fear of being deported.
over 80% over the nations citrus comes from Ca! so i don't want to hear folks here bitching about their groceries....or the economy for that things get worse!!!!!
it has been reported that citrus workers in Ca have not reported for work for fear of being deported.

Central Valley farmworkers scared to show up to work over deportation fear
The California Farm Bureau says fears in the Central Valley have led to migrant farmworkers not showing up for work, which has virtually halted the area’s citrus harvest.

Kern County immigration sweep halts citrus harvest - Valley Voice
Scores of farmworkers stayed home last week amid an immigration enforcement operation conducted in Kern County by U.S. Border Patrol. Immigration experts said it was the largest operation by an immigration enforcement agency in the Central Valley in years. The operation was carried out by Border...

Decline in the Citrus Harvest in the Central Valley - Citrus AgNet West
The California Farm Bureau Federation has reported a decline in the citrus harvest in the Central Valley due to the absence of migrant farm

over 80% over the nations citrus comes from Ca! so i don't want to hear folks here bitching about their groceries....or the economy for that things get worse!!!!!