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Google navigation app


Jun 21, 2010
Hi all.

Recently upgraded android to 4.1.2

Since doing so the navigation app has changed. Firstly its now a man rather than a woman speaking (I can cope with that, equal oops and all that).

However... The volume is now incredibly low. Even with max volume on I can barely hear it.

Any suggestions?
I think it is phone specific. For example, a common complaint about the Galaxy Nexus that I use is that the speaker on the back is very quiet - and I agree.

My only solution when I am driving is that I plug it into the radio when I need to hear it. Like when I am in a neighborhood I am unfamiliar with.

I know it's a workaround. But if you have turned your volume all the way up, there is not that much more that can be done really.
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What version of Google Maps are you using (Navigation is packaged with Maps)? I'm using version 6.14.4 on Android 4.2.2 and the voice for mine is female. There's some Text to Speach apps on the Play store that you can get if you want to change the voice. I was just checking out Ivona with a female British accent that sounded pretty cool. I think there's an Aussie one too. Although I didn't see any male English voices. I think Id snag an English speaking male voice with an French accent if they had one. ;)

I've read a lot about others having issues with volume after upgrading Android versions, so you're not alone. I don't think it's the phone itself since some who were having volume issues rooted and installed custom roms, which fixed the problem. There's quite a few apps on Google Play that will help... you just have to search for them and locate one that works for you. Try posting in your phones specific forum to ask about such apps, if no one here can recommend one.
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