I found this little jewel after downloading Keep Tabs by looking at Android Infinity's other apps. As a college student, this app is very good to use to keep track of all my assignments and course grades. There are SO MANY OPTIONS and FEATURES! The best part about this app is that you can customize the grading to your heart's desire. Courses can be graded by using either a "Weighted Categories" (e.g. 50% tests, 10% HW, 40% quiz) style or a "Total Points" (earned/possible) style and each course can have ITS OWN GRADING SCALE including options for plus and minus. It even allows you put in raw extra credit. The calculations are extremely accurate and by inputting your previous GPA and Credit hours, the Total GPA it calculated for me was exactly the same as the one on my transcript. The to-do list is amazing and automatically aggregates all your assignments into a list sorted by due date and speaking of assignments, you have the option to add assignments to your google calendar when you create one. Even the price caters to college students and is worth far more than $.99 but its appreciated that Android Infinity is looking out for us by making it a low price!