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Root [GUIDE][TETHERING] Clockworkmod Tether via USB




-- This guide is in reference to Ubuntu 13.10 (May work for other versions)
-- These are NOT instructions for Windows users - So please stop here if you do not use Linux

The main reason I had trouble is that the included adb file with the linux Clockworkmod Tether app would not work. Period. Nothing I tried would execute it, ./adb devices for example would return adb: No such file or directory, even after changing it to executable with chmod or with the properties dialog...

-- I have gotten this to work with the help of several posts on various websites and will be reposting some code that helped.
-- This guide has been written while currently tethering from my device. Let's begin....

1. Download and install the Clockworkmod Tether app on to your phone.

2. Open a terminal in Ubuntu (I use Guake Terminal), and enter:
[B]sudo apt-get install android-tools-adb[/B]

-- This will install the proper adb files on to your system
-- If you have already done this previously in the past, then step 2 is not required.

3. Open a browser E.g. Firefox and search for Clockworkmod Tether. Go the the google play website for the app, scroll down and click to download for the Linux version.

-- Also, you can open up the app on your device and download it from there and then transfer the file over to your computer.

4. You should have a .tgz file now. Extract it to wherever you want. I personally have it kept in a folder called 'development' in my home directory. You should now have a folder named Tether.

5. Open the Tether folder and navigate to the linux sub-dir. Here you should have 2 files: adb and run.sh. Open run.sh with a text editor.

6. Replace the line that looks like:
[B]../linux/adb start-server[/B]

[B]adb start-server[/B]

7. Save and exit ./run.sh.

8. Now go back to the Tether dir and go to node-tuntap dir. Open adb.js in a text editor.

9. Replace the line that looks like:
[B]adbPath = '"' + path.join(process.cwd(), adbPath) + '"';[/B]

[B]adbPath = '/usr/bin/adb';[/B]

10. Save and exit adb.js

11. Go back to the terminal and enter:
[B]sudo gedit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-android.rules[/B]

then paste in this:
[B]SUBSYSTEM=="usb", SYSFS{idVendor}=="0bb4", MODE="0666"[/B]

12. Save and exit 70-android.rules.

13. You need to compile CLockwork Tether before running run.sh. To do so, make sure you have the proper dependencies installed like g++ then go to Tether/node dir in terminal and enter:

then enter

If everything went well, you should be able to run ./run.sh

14. Plug in your phone to the computer via usb, make sure it's not set to mass storage (the disk drive shouldn't be mounted). Start the tether app on your phone.

15. Disconnect from all networks (ethernet, wifi, etc.) on Ubuntu.

16. Back in your Ubuntu terminal change directory to the Tether dir, then enter:
[B]sudo linux/run.sh[/B]

-- Only if necessary, in another terminal enter:
sudo ifup tun

Congratulations, if all went well, you should be able to load web pages in your browser, as well as do other things online so long as you have good cell reception.

--- Happy Hunting!!
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