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How is the CLIQ compared to the G1?

I love my G1, the fact that it is touch screen and has a slide out keyboard is really what got me hooked months ago and made choose the G1 over the iphone. But what sucks about the G1 is that it has a limited amount of internal memory, which means a limited amount of apps you can put on. Stats wise, how much better is the CLIQ than the G1?

Thanks in Advance :]
The Cliq is a more updated device.... it has the Google experience with the MotoBlur interface which is a hate it or love it type of thing.... luckily it's centered around widgets so if you don't want them then you can delete them.

The Cliq has a 5mp camera with editing capabilities (kinda like what the iPhone implemented) without downloading an app... better keyboard (my opinion), more RAM, and upgradeable.

The G1 one is good phone, it's rootable meaning that if you are the risky type, you can download many roms for it. It's been around the longest so there are accessories, cases, and mucho support, and a lot of the glitches are worked out however, because of the lack of the ram its no guarantee that it will be able to continue upgrading to the different OS's coming out for android.
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MotoBlur is an interface on top of the regular Android OS... kinda like HTC Sense overlays Android on the Hero and TouchWiz overlays Android on the Behold II.

MotoBlur is aimed towards the social network savvy and so therefore you have to have a MotoBlur account to use the phone it then syncs all your social network contacts with your phone contacts for pictures and things of that nature. If you have to hard reset your phone for whatever reason, logging into your Motoblur account resets your homescreen and contacts and settings like that back to before you resetted the phone, so not factory settings persay (you would have to re-download marketplace applications).

And yes... i do believe it has an accelerometer...
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