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Root [International] samsung galaxy s3 freezing


Android Expert
Hey i am running NeatRom on my s3 and off late the last few days the phone has been hanging and freezing a lot. It get's hung while doing normal things like right now i tried opening whatsapp and it got hung. I was trying to backup data with titanium backup and it froze. However if i leave the phone for about 10 mins or so it starts responding again. I have since then updated to the latest version of NeatRom and still have the same issue of freezing. I have installed quadroant recently but dont think that would cause this issue. I am trying to figure out what is causing this and dont want to do a full wipe without figuring out what it is. I do have a few nandroid backups which i could restore which might solve the issue but like i said i want to figure out what is causing it. I have just restarted my phone and its refusing to boot up at all got a neatrom boot screen going on and its totally hung.
installed a second Rom of Omega and used it for over 24hrs and no hanging at all. So this leads me to believe my phone is fine and there is some issue with NeatRom. I tried restoring my previous 2 nandroid backups with no luck the phone still keeps hanging so i bit the bullet and did a factory reset and installed neatrom(V1.7) again and phone phone has now hung while trying to sign in to my google account. Is anyone else using neatrom and have similar issues with the latest version?
Which version of Neat did you 1st have problems with mate?
V1.6 is fine for me.
U usin a custom kernel too?
Did u do a wipe before latest?
i had v1.5 did a full wipe today before installing 1.7 and it froze once while sigining into my gmail account and now again while restoring apps with titanium backup(i restored the same apps on omega and it went through perfectly without any freezing).
ok its got nothing to do with neatrom i was very confused on what the issue was so i went back to stock unrooted and my phone is still freezing. I opened the play store and it froze left it for 10 mins it responded again for a few seconds then froze again. So not sure what to do now will try and see if i can claim warranty on it.
did a factory reset before going to stock and after that also. Went to samsung today and all they did was re flash the os and they claim that the issue is solved.


ohh well the phone froze again today once while charging and second time while downloading data files for a game. The problem is i can not tell them that the solution they gave me is crap cause i was not using the official firmware cause that would void my warranty. So now quite stumped on what to do. Took a video of the phone when it was hung today and going to try and go tomm and show it to them and see what they say.
went back to samsung again today, they now say its some application that is causing the issue and i should use the phone without any applications. I am totally fed up with them any suggestions on what i could do or say so i can get my phone back in a working condition?
All i can suggest is never buy sammy again mate same as me sorry :(

That's a bit extreme.I absolutely love the phone, never had any problems with it. I suppose it's the same with all technology, if you produce enough of something there will be a few out there which have a few problems.
had another round with them and they flashed the firmware again and gave it to me saying issue is solved. Since then it hung once during charging so im going to go back again today and have a word with them. They have said that if it hangs again they will send it to the head office to get it checked and they will replace the motherboard most likely. Only other option is to root it and go back to dual boot and use only second rom which was working earlier without any issues. Need to hold out for im hoping another 3 to 4 months for the S4 to release then junk this and get that.
went back again today to the guy who sold me the phone and they have taken it to samsung again stuck using a blackberry bold 4 till i can get my phone back. :(
stuck using a blackberry...nasty....think id rather use paper ;)

ive had issues in past with freezing on certain roms .... at least i thought it was - but always came down to an app in the end

good luck
Theres a firm belief that when you see 4.1.2 ROM freeze if you have the VTU00M eMMC with the 0xF1 firmware revision (thats prone to SDS), you're actually witnessing it preventing an SDS.
That's a bit extreme.I absolutely love the phone, never had any problems with it. I suppose it's the same with all technology, if you produce enough of something there will be a few out there which have a few problems.

Its not the s3 in particular mate.... its a few things about samsung topped off by the samsung mhl-hdmi (which should have been universal anyway) failing on me after under a month lol.
I still dont understand why the UK carriers rolled out JB before Samsung did.
im not sure about thier ethics..
Love my s3 though but il probs never buy anything samsung again
Good luck Silent mate and lucky you being in the market for a s4 lol.
Doubt il ever own a new flagship phone again so ill squeeze every bit of life out of this one :)
i am quite upset with sammy also but there is realistically nothing else available which is better. Dont really want to use windows phone and cant stand apple. In android it basically leaves HTC and i had seen one of their phones and i didnt really like sense UI. All the company service centers are equally bad.

@SU i would honestly have preferred if the damn phone had just died instead of freezing on me would have made my replacing it much easier.
do u think if when i get it back if i flash 4.1.1 and use the phone it might die due to SDS?

Idk enough about SDS mate.... what supposedly causes it?

If i had the money id be lookin at htc, Lg or SONY :)
Ive got this hunch sony are gona be the stars of android soon. They work so closely with google, theyre barely skinned, have excelent cameras and are stunning to look at and hold :)
god knows what causes it i just know it happens and my phone acts like a ***** and keeps freezing and stuff. I am just going to flash stock 4.1.1 and sit and wait for it to die for good and get it replaced. It is currently lying with samsung since its the 3rd time i have given it they said they will give it a more thorough test and then give it back. Hopefully will get it back tomm and if all they did was flash 4.1.2 again will re flash 4.1.1 and kill the piece of crap and get the mobo replace like they should have done in the first place.
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