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Just activated my phone - overwhelmed!

Well, today is the big day. My first ever smartphone has arrived and has been activated. Now the real challenges for this first time user begin! I have managed to get my contacts loaded (step one). I have paid for my first month's service. I have my ringtone and wallpaper selected from the pre-set choices. My initial problems include...I keep getting an error message regarding my voicemail. It states that I will be able to access my voice mail once my data service is activated (or something along those lines). I have no idea what that means, but I did set up my voice mail password, greeting and name. Also, as somewhat expected, I cannot access the internet. For some reason, this doesn't surprise me, because I don't have wireless internet in my home. Have always preferred a hard wire. Guess I will need to find a hot spot somewhere to test that out. I am also having trouble typing with my pudgy fingers. All of this, I suppose, is typical for somebody just sitting down with a smartphone for the first time. So, aside from trying to call Virgin Mobile to rid myself of the voicemail/messaging issues, I have a couple of questions: 1. I have always tended to leave my cell phone on while I charge it. Is this OK with a smartphone? I did turn the sleep mode to 2 minutes, instead of the pre-loaded after 3 seconds (or whatever ridiculous number that is). 2. How do I rid myself of apps that I don't want or need? 3. Tell me where I go from here to take full advantage of my new little toy (i.e. what are widgets, etc.). Thanks ya'll. I warned you that my first questions would be quite mundane! But I plan to have some fun nonetheless (so long as my patience holds up).
Well, today is the big day. My first ever smartphone has arrived and has been activated. Now the real challenges for this first time user begin! I have managed to get my contacts loaded (step one). I have paid for my first month's service. I have my ringtone and wallpaper selected from the pre-set choices. My initial problems include...I keep getting an error message regarding my voicemail. It states that I will be able to access my voice mail once my data service is activated (or something along those lines). I have no idea what that means, but I did set up my voice mail password, greeting and name. Also, as somewhat expected, I cannot access the internet. For some reason, this doesn't surprise me, because I don't have wireless internet in my home. Have always preferred a hard wire. Guess I will need to find a hot spot somewhere to test that out. I am also having trouble typing with my pudgy fingers. All of this, I suppose, is typical for somebody just sitting down with a smartphone for the first time. So, aside from trying to call Virgin Mobile to rid myself of the voicemail/messaging issues, I have a couple of questions:

Welcome to AF and congratulations on your first smartphone! :)

Can't address all of your questions (mostly above), but will give a go at the ones below:

1. I have always tended to leave my cell phone on while I charge it. Is this OK with a smartphone? I did turn the sleep mode to 2 minutes, instead of the pre-loaded after 3 seconds (or whatever ridiculous number that is).

Yep! I charge mine while on all the time (and suspect that 99% of other folks do, too ;) :)). Just use the recommended charger and/or USB cable that it came with or a suitably compatible alternative (same specs, etc.).

2. How do I rid myself of apps that I don't want or need?

This varies by device since you can't always remove apps that came pre-installed by the carrier, etc., but you should be able to go into your Settings app, select Apps (or Applications), Manage Apps (you might not have this), and then view/select the app in question. That should take you to a screen that might let you uninstall it (if the option / button is greyed-out you will not be able to at this time).

Alternatively, you might be able to remove them from the Play Store app.

3. Tell me where I go from here to take full advantage of my new little toy (i.e. what are widgets, etc.).

Just start doing a little browsing, searching, etc. around here and your other favorite Android sites (hoping that you'll return here with us, of course :)).

Widgets are basically mini-apps and/or quick views / access to an apps. They are nice/easy ways to dock/access information on your screen to a handy app's features.

Thanks ya'll. I warned you that my first questions would be quite mundane! But I plan to have some fun nonetheless (so long as my patience holds up).

Cheers and enjoy your journey--Android is a great ride!

Welcome to the world of smartphones SCLakerFan. Android Forums is a great place to get started. To really gain full control of your smartphone you need to root it. Rooting is explained in the Event - All Things Root - Android Forums forum. While not a really complicated process it is for pretty advanced, confident users. I've been using Android smartphones since the introduction of the G1 in 2008 and never really saw the need to root my smartphones. Like scary alien sort of said there's plenty of stuff in the play store to keep you in control. Enjoy your Event!
I have been figuring a few things out as I go here. I now have my email integrated with my phone, and have a couple of apps downloaded that I handpicked (one for banking, the other just light reading). While I wasn't getting any internet service yesterday, I am getting it now -- which is kinda cool. I wonder, on the Event, once the phone is unlocked and the main screen is shown, the time is in the upper right hand corner, but the date is not. Any clues as to how I can get the date next to the time when I am looking at the screen with my wallpaper and home menu? Thanks again! I have to admit, I think I will have some fun with this phone once I adjust to it!
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