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Root [KERNEL] DamianGTO Ginger Kernel Gold version 2.1 ****

**** GTO Ginger Kernel Gold version 2.1 ****

The GTO Ginger Kernel Gold version 2.1 has the following features:

- Optimized kernel tweaks.
- Low memory killer minfree settings (60MB).
- Deadline schedueler (Optimized).
- Touchscreen sensitivity
- CWM 3.0
- Auto Root (Busybox and Superuser)
- Ext 4 support and Optimized.
- Custom boot animation support
- Sdcard Speed tweak
- 340MB Ram
- Removed debug code (android logging and kernel debug)
- Voodoo Sound v9.
- OverClocking to 1300MHz.
- 1000MHz as default frequency.
- UnderClocking.
- UnderVolting.
- Color fix(my own).
- Sharpness fix(my own).
- Conservative governor (++)
- Boot logo(my own).
- Boot sound with custom boot animation.

**** Information ****
This kernel do support Ext4.
You can now convert it with ext4 CF tool.
Do a Nandroid backup before you try it.
(Also go into the backup folder and remove Boot.img)
It now support custom boot animations.
I tweaked the memory a bit so now you have 340MB Ram.
I did remove android logging and kernel debug. just to get some more fluid speed and smoothness,
This Kernel dont work on JVB but on all other.

**** Known issue ****
If you did have front camera fix installed, you must restore your orginal files get get it
to work with this Relese candidate 2.
Ask your rom maker for an update file for it, dont ask about it in the tread.

**** showcase ****
Bladerunner82 did make this video to show how this kernel do work.
This phone is pushed to the limits,with more than 600 apps inside,a full 16gb external card and a full internal sd card!
The boot time would NORMALLY take like 5-6 minutes and with this kernel it takes less than a minute!"

**** FAQ ****
Support (done) = it works, but it dont means that there is a tool for it.
3:e part program = Is a program that is not coming from me and if you use it and your phone crash or behave strange then its your own fault and dont complain here about it.
Over volting (OV) = more mv to the cpu/gpu
Under volting (UV) = less mv to the cpu/gpu
BLN = Cost you 2500Euro to get it and if you dont want to pay for it then just shout up about it.

I will add all things needed to change all the settings in an app.
Right now there is Gingerbread kernel control, but it has not all settings yet, but most of them.
You CANT change any settings in the recovery either. So dont ask about that in the tread.
Dont use 3:e part program to change things if you are not 100% sure you know what you are doing. Well if you know what you are doing you dont need a 3:e part program to start with and dont ask about 3:e part program in the tread.

**** Change CPU frequency ****
Make a file in /system/etc and name it cfo.conf
In that file you write one of these values:

Save the file and restart your phone. Now it should use the settings you did write.
You need to have a tool for this to be able to see the system files.
Dont ask about it in the tread. If you dont know how you should not even use it.
You can also use my app for this.

**** Stagefright ****
Stagefright will give you some more speed and smoothness to your phone.
But it dont work for all. Some video format seams not to work right on some
phones. You can try modoplayer to play almost every format the phone support.
But if you dont play much video format then you can enjoy the extra speed.

Now you can turn on and off this settings in the kernel.
Make a file in /system/etc and name it stage.conf
In that file you write TURNON if you want to have it turned on.
If you dont want it then remove the file or write something else in it.
You can also use my app for this.

**** TIP ****
I did make a guide for cleaning up the phone.
Use it if your phone is not 100% right.
There is other way to clean the phone, but this way is the way I use and I know it do work 100%.
The guide is here.

**** TIP 2 ****
When flashing a new kernel/rom your battery indicator can be very off.
This means that you can have zero battery drain or a huge battery drain at the beginning.
Let the phone go through 3-5 complete charge cycle to make the battery indicator more accurate.

Use titanium backup for making a daily backup of your programs.
Also make a backup in recovery daily so you always have a fresh backup.
If you do this you are 100% safe if something happens to your phone.
Also make sure you DONT run out of space on your sdcard.

**** TIP 3 ****
One more program from me: Ultimate Ginger Kernel Control
This program is made to make it easier to change settings in the kernel.

GameMode is a special setting that only work in real time.
This mode let you choose what frequency the CPU shall not go under. This is great for games. It make them smoother and reduce lag.

Low memory killing is a setting that let you choose when background program shall unload from memory.
This give you an option to choose if you want many program in memory so they start faster if you use the program often.
Or to make more memory for the program you running the front. This is often good for very demanding game or program.

Touchscreen Sensitivity is a great option to make the touchscreen respond better when you touch the screen. When you start using the high settings you never want default setting.

You can download **** GTO Ginger Kernel Gold version 2.1 **** here.

This is my other projects:
Damian Tweak
Ultimate Ginger Kernel Control

The usual beer fund:

I hope this place is better :)
Also that all my users can now enjoy this without be attacked:)
I know this section in here dont have a big user base, but I hope that it will change after my move here.
Maybe i can get other developer to join me here.
XDA is not a friendly place for us.....
Upvote 0
Thanks! I changed my mind...just tried 1280 and 75 and my phone is flying....before I had 1200 and 50 and when I tried to change one of these 2 values phone was freeze...now it don't...why? This is strange for me...

If you use the new beta for FROYO then im not surprised.
Maybe write in the right tread. this is the ginger tread and it has not OC..:rolleyes:
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