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Kindle Fire vs Acer Iconia 7"

Hey all I'm an AVID Android fan who is looking to get his 56 year old mother a lower end Android tablet. I gave her my iPad1 when I got my Asus TF but it was confusing for her having that then her phone being an Incredible so I want to get her an Android one. She is an Amazon Prime member and always uses it for everything and already has had a kindle for a few years so I figured the Kindle Fire is a natural fit. But I saw you can get an Acer Iconia 8GB 7" for $250 at a few places so it made me wonder if its worth spending the extra $50 so she can get a camera front and back to Skype my sister and I with and additional storage with MicroSD. The Kindle Fire looks like it is much easier to use than Android 3.0 for sure and I don't know how much she'd actually use the cameras because she has a Macbook to use for that. I'm leaning towards the Fire but I just need a little convincing to push over the edge. Is the UI and Amazon experience worth the lack of some basic features and Google apps?
i would definetly go w/ the fire. it is just a better and eaiser and cheaper and it works just fine. i woulidnt just do it for the camera cause of she have a droid Inc there really isn't any reason for that
The acer is a better all around machine but for your mom it really seems the Kindle is the way to go. If the Ipad was too confusing for her, then the acer is going to be as well. She could get Skype on a laptop or desktop or a new phone

I guess if video conferencing is the most important thing she is going to do maybe the acer. But if just doing stuff and not being able to mess up the device is your goal, I think the Fire winds hands down.
Having a Honeycomb tablet (Viewsonic Gtablet), I can't see it or any of the pure Android tablets being very "Mom" friendly unless Mom's a geek. ICS might change that, but I have my doubts. The Fire is intended for the type of person that's just geeky enough to be in the Amazon universe but Luddite enough to not want to be bothered by technicalities. In other words...MOM! Just like the woman in the commercial who lives in the most trustworthy of urban areas and is a Mom I want to meet. Bad!
If she has Amazon Prime, then the Kindle Fire is the obvious choice.

Amazon will bring a more familiar and comfortable experience. She will also have a free video library to choose from and monthly book rentals.
It is decide folks! My cousin bought 2 for his kids for Christmas and brought one over to play with and I was pretty impressed with it. My sister and I are going to split it and I'm going to load up for her with a bunch of apps she'll like and a few from her phone so she'll be all set as soon as she opens it. I was definitely impressed though with how smooth it was for such an in-depth skin. Netflix was also pretty smooth too and the screen is darn good for non-HD. This definitely seems like the Android tablet for non-techies and the tablet to introduce Android tablets to the masses.
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