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Lifeproof nuud series case


Well-Known Member
Hey guys I have been pondering buying the lifeproof nuud case for a while now and have seen mixed reviews so I am bringing the question to you now. Please give me your thoughts on the case and even better it you have the case how long have you had it and please share your pros and cons. Thanks in advanced.
Everyone, i broke down and bought the nuud series case by lifeproof so if you would like me to do a review for you please let me know by posting in this topic and ill post one for you. Thanks
I have had the Nuud for a few months now and love it. The sound quality is perfect. The case itself is slim and pocketable. You actually touch the phone's glass screen (it seals on the screen for the waterproofing. They do provide a screen protector that you can use if you want, but I opted to not use it. I have dropped the phone a couple of times since getting the case (not on purpose) and it has protected the phone well and, even though, it was dropped on asphalt, there are not scratches or "raspberries" on the case. It is easily removed, if needed and, in general, a really nice case. I would recommend it to anyone.
First impressions everyone, so far I’m loving the case I did the water test with the provided "phone", and have been playing with it for a couple of hours. I like that it is "plastic" instead of a rubber coating for the fact that it’s easier to put in and out of your pocket, loving the idea that there is no screen protector so I get to just touch the screen. Some things that I have found that might cause a problem for some are that it does distort sounds such as when you are on a call with someone it makes their voice distorted a little bit but nothing that is a problem. I’m not sure how it is on the other end when someone is listening to me but I will find out soon enough. Also something that some might find as a problem is that the home button is a little stiff when pushing on it but my thoughts are that over time it will become easier to use. Overall I am really happy with this case. If anyone has any questions don't hesitate to ask. Also I will let you guys know my thoughts after some time of use. Thanks
Got mine too.. I agree with all you say. My only beef is the rubber stopper for the headphone... It a b***h to get in and out and I am afraid it will break off. I use headphones all the time so it gets a lot of use. So far I am pretty happy.
That's another good point there is no reason they couldn't have used the same plug that they do on the iPhone cases hopefully in the future such as the s5 they use the screw in plug
Hey everyone it has been a little over a two weeks since i received the Lifeprood Nuud case for my S4 and i am still impressed with the case. Before buying this case i read many reviews about how the sound was muffled and no one you were talking to could hear you, but i have had none of these issues. In my initial review of the case i noted that like that it is "plastic" instead of a rubber coating for the fact that it’s easier to put in and out of your pocket, and i still like this. Also that there is no screen protector which is a big plus especially coming from the otterbox defender which had a rainbow effect on the screen from the protector. I also noted some things that I have found that might cause a problem is that the home button is a little stiff when pushing on it but over these last couple weeks i have not had any further issues regarding this. Overall as I said before I am really happy with this case. With purchasing i ended buying the case off of amazon with my total being $56 which the seller and shipper was lifeproof which as stated on lifeproof's website this is no problem, but be aware if you are buying from an unknown seller. If anyone has any questions don't hesitate to ask. Also I will let you guys know my thoughts after some time of use. Thanks Also MYKEL61 if you would like to chime in with a review of your own experience since you have also been using the case for a while now that would be great. Thanks
I bought directly from Lifeproof and paid a bit more...silly me...LOL I have nothing to add and agree with all that coulterjosh has to say. I find it to be an excellent product, but now could kick myself for paying full price and not shopping around, but that has no bearing on the product.. just my wallet...LOL
Good point but the downfall of buying from amazon was that I couldn't get the extra water protection for the extra money that you can add on the lifeproof website. Buy thay all depends if that is a big deal for the buyer or not. Hope everyone enjoys this case it they order it. And also let us all know how it turns out for you. Thanks
I'm seriously thinking about getting one in the next month or so. I work out side so I would probably get the one with screen protector. Plus rain can pop up at anytime and don't want my phone getting ruined. Right now I have the otterbox defender. I would miss the belt clip though.
Ya a belt clip would be nice but this case is a little slimmer and is more plastic than rubber so it is much easier to put in and out of your pocket.
I'm seriously thinking about getting one in the next month or so. I work out side so I would probably get the one with screen protector. Plus rain can pop up at anytime and don't want my phone getting ruined. Right now I have the otterbox defender. I would miss the belt clip though.

The Nuud does have a screen protector, but it's use is optional. You actually apply it after the case is on the phone. As for the belt clip, I have seen a couple of gortex/nylon type cases at Lowes that look nice and I believe that they have one that would fit the S4 with the Nuud. You may want to have a look there.
Like was said above the nuud did come with a screen protector but I can't put them on for the life of me. I don't see a problem with not having one because of the technology that the glass has come to now...and if you want to use the screen protector so that dirt and such stays of of your screen even with the nuud since they are waterproof just wash it under the sink and it is all set to go haha
On their site there are 2 versions, one, the "nuud" has no screen protector and the other does, it is also 10 bucks cheaper. I went for the one without. I also noticed they make a belt clip, but only for IPhone/Pod cases. You may want to call or email them and see if they are planing to offer one for the S4 cases as well. I dont use them as I keep my phone in my pocket. Hope that helps!
I hate those screen protectors. You get those stupid bubbles in them and I can't put one on if my life depended on it. When I get the extra money, which probably won't be til the end of the month, I'll have to start looking into if they do or will make a belt clip for the case.
With the release of the s5 I doubt they will release a belt clip but in my opinion you will still love the case without it
I may be wrong, but isnt the S5 going to be the same size as the S4? If so they may make a belt clip that would work for both.
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