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Miss the Droid X forum!!!


Android Expert
So I love my Bionic, it is like the X on steroids with a screen that is not as good.

However I miss how helpful and informational this forum is. Right now trying to set the record straight that you can overclock a device with a locked bootloader. There are a couple people saying this can't be done while I know it can because I did it on my X, however they know all since they are coming from the OD.

Just thought I would say I miss all the help and nice people that are over here. Especially the guides and mods! If I could afford it I would buy you all a Bionic just to get you all over there, but I can't. :(
Point proven!!!!!!

Thanks hopefully they will believe you as well now.

LOL, you can lead a horse to water... ;) :)

I guess we'll have to see...one thing I've learned here at AF is to never say never (or the variants thereof like "you cannot", etc.). That just spurs people to find a way, eh? :)
lol those rookies....jk

Yeah man but within the next 2 to 3 months a lot of the guides and SME's and Steven58's are going to leave this section and probably go to the Vigor or Prime/Nexus section.
So I love my Bionic, it is like the X on steroids with a screen that is not as good.

However I miss how helpful and informational this forum is. Right now trying to set the record straight that you can overclock a device with a locked bootloader. There are a couple people saying this can't be done while I know it can because I did it on my X, however they know all since they are coming from the OD.

Just thought I would say I miss all the help and nice people that are over here. Especially the guides and mods! If I could afford it I would buy you all a Bionic just to get you all over there, but I can't. :(

I know how you feel its just not the same over in the Bionic forum. It kinda reminds me of how the Incredible forum was. Over there it seemed like everyone was always fighting and arguing with each other. The X forum has a great group of people that always go out of there way to help everyone out no matter how big or small the problem might be. One of the best forums I have been apart of so far. Definitely gonna miss it here.
This thread is so right. The X forums have been great. Peeps are helpful, the phone has been great, devs and their roms have made the entire X experience the best that it could possibly be.
i think the X forum is actually more helpful than any other subforum on the boards, and the reason is because of the person in my signature :p
i think the X forum is actually more helpful than any other subforum on the boards, and the reason is because of the person in my signature :p

And like it has nothing to do with you, and bo and col and sims and scary. Meh.. Me? This place goes on in spite of me. I just provide the comic relief. :D
And like it has nothing to do with you, and bo and col and sims and scary. Meh.. Me? This place goes on in spite of me. I just provide the comic relief. :D

Oh, and don't forget you provide phones (Nexus Prime) for your adopted sons (me of course) and VS, col just wants a cheeseburger :D:D:D
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