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My Nexus One v iPhone comparison


Hi all,

I received my N1 yesterday and I've been using it ever since, prior to this I've had an Iphone 3G (none S) and I've been itching to join the Android camp, after not enjoying the locked downness of the iPhone...

So what are my thoughts? See below. I've probably pointed some things out which can be fixed / worked around, if so great, please let me know!

Good things:
  • * - The Browser - Its brilliant (even without multitouch), very quick rendering and easy navigation
  • * - The device itself just looks great
  • * - Voice search - I didnt think I'd use it, but its so good (and I'm English) that im using it instead of typing to search for contacts etc
  • * - Widgets - wow, there brilliant, make the phone so much more useful by just picking it up
  • * - Apps - Some of the apps are brilliant, and you can see that there isnt the strangle hold that Apple have on their store - which is great. However see my 'but' below.

Now however are the bad points Ive found, and I wish I hadnt - I've just spend over
N1 falls short, like many other Android phones if you're coming from using and living with an iPhone. Give it time. Also, N1 was not developed as an enterprise phone, so exchange support is essentially lacking. You'll have to wait for the enterprise version -- the N2.
Yep, its a real shame, I've waited since the G1 to get the 'googlephone' and finally after getting one I feel let down.

That in addition to the bloody jokingly bad customer service/purchase experience!
N1 falls short, like many other Android phones if you're coming from using and living with an iPhone. Give it time. Also, N1 was not developed as an enterprise phone, so exchange support is essentially lacking. You'll have to wait for the enterprise version -- the N2.

Are we going to be able to get the N2 enterprise software on our phone?

I've heard the only hardware changes will be a physical keyboard and different battery characteristics. I don't care about either of those, but do care about the exchange implementation.
Let me ask that a different way...Does Google release software that some devices can't use? Or are all software updates interchangeable among hardware?
Are we going to be able to get the N2 enterprise software on our phone?

I've heard the only hardware changes will be a physical keyboard and different battery characteristics. I don't care about either of those, but do care about the exchange implementation.

No real details. Only what Rubin said in passing. Could have keyboard on front. Could have different battery characteristics. Could be a world phone. Blah, blah, blah. It's not concrete.
  • * - The battery - after a no more busy than usual day the phone died at 4pm - this has never happened with a phone before - I'll play with the power settings more, but, sad to say - the iPhone always lasted a day :(

I am very sensitive about battery usage, having gotten rid of my iPhone because the battery was not sufficient to get me through a day. With that being said, my Nexus One battery life was terrible my first two days of using it. I couldn't get through 5-6 hours without the battery being dead; meaning the device powers itself off, not just a low battery warning.

This morning, I tuned the settings a bit, and it has made a tremendous difference. I set my screen timeout to be 30 seconds, screen brightness to auto, and GPS to off. I unplugged eight hours ago and have sent & received about fifty text messages, used the phone for a little over an hour, sent/received twenty or thirty emails, and my battery is at 54%. I also played with bluetooth quite a bit, and had the screen active for 15 minutes or so while doing so. Had I not done that, I'd guess my battery would likely be around 60%.

If you follow any or all of the steps outlined above, you may find that you're more happy with the battery life that your Nexus One provides.
  • * - Why cant I unlock by clicking the trackball?! - This means more fiddling to hit the button at the top
You can do this if you open the Clock app (where you would normally go to set the alarms), and then either let the screen timeout or hit the lock button. The screen will lock but you can unlock it by hitting the lock button, volume rocker, or trackball, and you do not need to do the "unlock slide".

  • * - No music player controlls when locked, so you need to take it out, do the shape unlock, then change track - poor
Music player controls on the headset work while the phone is locked.

  • * - Icons per screen - why so few, why so much spacing?!
I seem to remember reading about an app that would do this, but I can't seem to find it now.
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