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my testing on Galaxy S5 vs HTC One M8 camera ONLY.. More photos uploaded 4/24


Android Expert
Ok so I took some time to take photos with both the HTC ONE M8 and the Galaxy S5 today. All pictures are on auto mode, I'm not analyzing anything or any other modes but this one. This is a basic everyday case, like hey that looks good I'm going to snag a pic. This is what I found.

I found that the M8 shows more in the back ground compared to the GS5, the GS5 seems to zoom in on an object kinda removing the background. Now when it came to low light setting the M8 did great, the GS5 was a little behind. Though in low light settings with evening light coming through the windows photos seemed blown out on the M8, you'll see. In daylight with the sun hitting the object the M8 seemed to make the main object to dark, if I readjusted the focal point then it washed out the background. The GS5 seemed to over lighten the object and the background. I really liked the M8's fast focus, which seemed to focus faster and show the green "ok" box quicker than the GS5.

It seems like the M8 doesn't know how to manage the light when there is an abundance of it, which sucks. I'm going to be taking some more tomorrow with hopefully another vehicle in the same type of scenarios as today. I take a lot of car pictures, from shows to drag racing and just crusing, so daylight performance is a big issue with me. I'm still torn between the 2, I love the M8 on all other aspects, but I need that quick daylight performance.

Here are some sample pics of things I shot today. Sorry for the long rant























Wow, it is almost like night and day. The GS5 pictures are so much better to me, although I am in no way a professional photographer or anything. I think the pictures from the GS5 will satisfy your average camera user much more than the M8.
Wow, it is almost like night and day. The GS5 pictures are so much better to me, although I am in no way a professional photographer or anything. I think the pictures from the GS5 will satisfy your average camera user much more than the M8.

I'm not a pro either lol. But the GS5 does perform better when there is an abundance of light. The pictures of the jeep during the day with the M8 look dark compared to the GS5, BUT look at the back ground, The M8 shows more in general than the GS5. The GS5 seems to have zoomed in type of feel.

I'm fighting between these 2 phones for my daily use. I love htc sense and the feel of the M8. But I take a lot of pictures in bright sunlight at car events so...
The difference is that the M8 has a wider field than the S5, so you are closer to the subject on the S5 (hence less background). This is another reason why I avoided the M8 camera -- not only aren't there enough pixels for cropping, but since the subject is further away, you have to crop even more. On top of that, 95% of my pictures are 4:3. Even though the M8 camera is advertised as 4MP, the 4:3 area is really 3MP. I have my camera set to 4:3 8MP.
Good point there. Though for me is a little bummer for the GS5 bc sometimes its nice to have a that background without having to really step farther and farther back. In saying that this is an issue for the M8 bc it grabs all of the light and blows the background out or darkens the object being photographed
Aside from poor resolution, the M8 suffers from white balance issues in a couple of the pics as well as problems with high dynamic range.
No problem I enjoyed doing this. Took some more pics today just havent been able to upload them today, stuck at work. I'll try to upload them tonight.

This was to help decide on what phone to keep lol
Considering the M8 is meant to capture more light it looks awfully dark in allot of the shots.

Don't like. :p
I'm actually a photographer and these cameras are ok the M8 having a bigger sensor definitely gives its more detail but is very over saturated for the colors where the GS5 is more accurate in the color department but lacks in details and sharpness. The M8 is closer to perfect than the GS5 if only they could make more on the megapixel end and work on the colors it would be an amazing camera phone.
I'm actually a photographer and these cameras are ok the M8 having a bigger sensor definitely gives its more detail but is very over saturated for the colors where the GS5 is more accurate in the color department but lacks in details and sharpness. The M8 is closer to perfect than the GS5 if only they could make more on the megapixel end and work on the colors it would be an amazing camera phone.

The GS5 definitely captures more detail than the M8.
One of the key points I understood from HTC and various owners is that you get better low light results and color accuracy if you focus by tapping on the object. Did you do that with those jeep photos or just point and shoot?

I'd be curious to see if that makes a difference. Also, there was supposedly an update today that included a camera update with it. Any chance you have those results?

I'm torn like you. Upgrade and get the M8 or wait to see what the G3 looks like; or even the Moto X + 1.
One of the key points I understood from HTC and various owners is that you get better low light results and color accuracy if you focus by tapping on the object. Did you do that with those jeep photos or just point and shoot?

I'd be curious to see if that makes a difference. Also, there was supposedly an update today that included a camera update with it. Any chance you have those results?

I'm torn like you. Upgrade and get the M8 or wait to see what the G3 looks like; or even the Moto X + 1.

I did not touch anywhere on the picture, just point and shoot. I let the phones pic the focal spot and when the green box came up, I clicked. BUT I did mess with touching the screen as well and it does lighten up the jeep but blows the background way out. I may still have that pic if I do Ill up load it.

yea I cant wait to see the G3 I'm kinda missing my G2 honestly,


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One of the key points I understood from HTC and various owners is that you get better low light results and color accuracy if you focus by tapping on the object. Did you do that with those jeep photos or just point and shoot?

This indeed does make a HUGE difference, in the week I've had the M8 I've found that tapping to focus changes the conditions and drastically improves the results.
I researched this pretty good before buying the S5. Hands down, S5 is better.
Great for point and shooting situations, but if I want really good pics, I grab my Nikon D3.
I wish I could upload the Videos I took last night!! The M8 is more clear, even when watching on the computer
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