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Root Mytouch can't write to system even in recovery


UPDATE: did some PATH hackery ... this is not a fix tho ....

mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /
rm -Rf /nmap
mkdir /nmap

echo 'export PATH=$PATH:/nmap' > path

cd /nmap
wget http://rmccurdy.com/stuff/G1/BINS/NMAP/NMAP.zip
unzip NMAP.zip
chmod 777 /nmap/*
export PATH=$PATH:/nmap
echo run /nmap/path before you start nmap 
nmap -vvv
rmccurdy.com/nmap.sh (tested on CM6 / mytouch slide )

in normal mode ..
localhost / # mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /system
mount -o rw,remount -t yaffs2 /system
localhost / # cd /system
cd /system
localhost system # for i in `ls` ;do mkdir $i\\nmap ;done
for i in `ls` ;do mkdir $i\\nmap ;done
mkdir: can't create directory 'app\nmap': Out of memory
mkdir: can't create directory 'bin\nmap': Out of memory
mkdir: can't create directory 'build.prop\nmap': Out of memory
mkdir: can't create directory 'etc\nmap': Out of memory
mkdir: can't create directory 'fonts\nmap': Out of memory
mkdir: can't create directory 'framework\nmap': Out of memory
mkdir: can't create directory 'lib\nmap': Out of memory
mkdir: can't create directory 'lost+found\nmap': Out of memory
mkdir: can't create directory 'media\nmap': Out of memory
mkdir: can't create directory 'usr\nmap': Out of memory
mkdir: can't create directory 'xbin\nmap': Out of memory
in "Android system recovery (2e)" :
( note: /system is also a vfs I think .. I adb push to it and reboot and the file is gone ... )
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\nmap>adb shell
- exec '/system/bin/sh' failed: No such file or directory (2) -

C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\nmap>
If your phone does not have root, you cannot write to the system. The file would disapper because of the NAND protection I would bet, unless you already have root. But this is still very impressive: what is this for exactly? A mod? It looks interesting.
its fully unlocked and overclocked CM6 reference "http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=701589&page=4" you can't write to /system I want to be able to write to system ....

uname -a
Linux localhost #1 PREEMPT Fri Sep 17 16:05:39 PDT 2010 arm
v6l GNU/Linux

I am the first person on the internet that I can find that was able to compile nmap for android http://wjholden.com/nmap/ took the idea and ran with it :)
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