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Need Advice on BOGA Fascinate Deal


Aug 7, 2010
Hello fellow members,

Here is the deal. I'm switching over to Verizon Wireless this weekend and will be taking advantage of the Fascinate BOGA deal (Fascinate & Droid X). I will be getting the X and the other line the Fascinate. However, the other line only wants a multimedia phone so, I was thinking of buying the Samsung Reality for full retail ($250). So that means I would have a brand new Samsung Fascinate available for sale. I'm looking to make a minimum $150 profit on the Fascinate (so sell for around $425 shipped min.), so do you guys think that it is feasible & worth it? Thanks!
Hello fellow members,

Here is the deal. I'm switching over to Verizon Wireless this weekend and will be taking advantage of the Fascinate BOGA deal (Fascinate & Droid X). I will be getting the X and the other line the Fascinate. However, the other line only wants a multimedia phone so, I was thinking of buying the Samsung Reality for full retail ($250). So that means I would have a brand new Samsung Fascinate available for sale. I'm looking to make a minimum $150 profit on the Fascinate (so sell for around $425 shipped min.), so do you guys think that it is feasible & worth it? Thanks!

I don't think you will have any problems selling the Fascinate for $425
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