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Nemus launcher - new kid in the block


Android Enthusiast
Nov 28, 2011
Hey guys its a fierce battle for launchers in the android market..but i found a new,light weight n super fast launcher for android..Nemus launcher..

- DockBar page count customization
- Page indicator hiding
- Grid size customization
- Hiding system status bar with gesture
- Missed call & Received sms badge display
- Widget Resizing
- Themes (native ZIP themes & SSKIN themes
downloadable from market)
- 1 to 9 workspaces
- Various App list styles
- Expandable folders in workspace & app list
- Workspace and app menu switchers (screen
- Highlight recently used apps
- Scrollable bottom docks / QuickSetting docks
- Scrollable widgets
- App-Hide&Lock / Screen-Lock

In the next update:
- Backup & Restore settings and data
- APK type theme

Pro:Super Fast
Gr8 UI
App killer
Manage application intrigated
Updates in around every 2 weeks or so

Limited customizations
No themes

I've tried other launchers like the launcherpro, go launcher, adw launcher etc..bt stil go for dis..
Try it from d android market..its free..
N also wud like ur comments, reviews abt dis as well as other launchers..thnx..
Y would u say that?..

Because task killers work against the system, eventually bogs it down and causes the phone to eat more battery. Let the system take care of itself. Normal running Android is supposed to eat up 90% of RAM because its how its designed. It will run faster and eat less battery that way.

Don't ever install task killers unless you are running an ancient phone still on Android 1.6 or below.
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Because task killers work against the system, eventually bogs it down and causes the phone to eat more battery. Let the system take care of itself. Normal running Android is supposed to eat up 90% of RAM because its how its designed. It will run faster and eat less battery that way.

Don't ever install task killers unless you are running an ancient phone still on Android 1.6 or below.

Its not actually a task killer..just a way to kill apps IF U WANT TO..it doesnt effect d overall system..try it n u wil not regret it..:) :)
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A task killer is an app that allows you to kill apps if you want to. Its the same. Its still a minus point because its there, as tendency some people would be toying around with it and may end up killing apps. Its actually also something bad to say against Go Launcher since they have that feature as well.

I did not say I did not want to try the launcher, but that feature is still something that should be considered as bad, not good.
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Tried it. Not good. Its ugly, and I can't customize the shortcuts to use my own icons as easily as I could with Go Launcher. I also can't customize the way the app drawer scrolls (there's no option in the settings), and doesn't work any faster or smoother than Go Launcher on my phone. Overall, the only improvement I can see it has over the stock Samsung launcher is 5 icons on the dock instead of 4, other than that and themes, its not a big improvement over just using the stock Tw.
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I have to agree with chanchan05 on this. You have to go back to the drawing board. If you are going to compete with Go Launcher or the others you are going to have to add a feature that sets you apart from the others. I wouldn't choose this over any other launcher. Plus the (stock) icons it uses on the home screen shouldn't use the ones I already have. I will be looking forward to updates. Good Luck.
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If u see it from a different view, every popular launcher out there usually has d some of what d other launcher has, and as the name suggests, its a new kid..appreciate ur reviews though..but do try it out after the new updates..

@chachan there is a option 2 change d way d app list scroll vertically or horizontally as well as change the grid side..
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Having an easy way of killing an app or two through the launcher isn't a bad feature. I use ADW EX and use the "Manage" shortcut to shut down the Amazon Appstore when I'm not using it because it keeps giving me those notificationsthat I have new apps I can install. I know I have more apps to install, but I don't care to...so I force close the Amazon Appstore.
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Can someone please explain the pro's & con's of using another launcher compared to a stockk one? How does one select it or get things back to normal after finding you dont like the new launcher? Im not new to the EVO but usually stick with stock apps and was wondering what all te hub bub is about when it comes to using a different launcher app. Thanks in advance and be safe out there.
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