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new 4g markets?

So I was just wondering...

I'm in Milwaukee, and I just checked the at&t website and it says that I should have 4g coverage now. So I go to check my speeds, and I'm still getting the same speeds as before. The highest speed I could get was 1.94 down.

Just curious as to how the speeds are in any other 4g areas. Also, I gather they just recently added Milwaukee because, while I haven't checked in a while, it didn't used to be one of the cities, so do you think it's just isn't actually turned on yet.

I realize it's not that big of a deal, and I'm actually fine with the speeds I have since it works fine in daily use. Just thought it would be cool to know that I am getting 4g speeds you know?
The 4G they are speaking of right now is HSPA+, not the true LTE that Verizon has. ATT is getting the LTE in select spots at the end of this year and next year. HSPA+ is only an enhanced backhaul basically. It won't be super fast, mine isn't in Mobile, AL.
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