My understanding is that MeeGo is a joint venture between Nokia and Intel, haven't heard anything about the Linux Foundation being involved in it, but I may have missed that part. Besides, if a handset can run MeeGo, it can probably run Android too. I know that the N900 can run 2.1 and I think someone even loaded 2.2 onto it a while back when it first popped up. Their next big phone is going to be running MeeGo, but they haven't announced what CPU it will have, and I'm very curious to see if this will be the first new smartphone out with an Intel Architecture CPU in it. Could be, you never know, the Moorsetown Atom SoC was aimed at this kind of market, and the next version of Atom is supposed to be even better on the power front. Don't be so quick to dismiss Nokia just because they aren't using Android.