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Help Please Help Me With My S5 Neo!!!


Sep 10, 2014
I just got this phone and the keyboard is driving me crazy. So often it tends to put words in for me when I hit the space bar when I have no want of this. I love the predictive words, don't get me wrong, but I don't like how it puts words in for me (like an i, an a or other small words). I tried to find help through Google with not any luck. Would you please help?

Also, would you be able to let me know what apps are out there for changing the look of the keyboard with additional emotes, please? I did find a gorgeous wolf keyboard, but it had no predictive text and it also put a third lock screen on my phone that I couldn't get rid of. Id love a beautiful wolf themed keyboard, but one with predictive text and additional emotes.

Also, how do I keep my phone from capitalising more than the beginning letter of a new sentence or paragraph and skipping the first letter of the word and moving on to capitalising the second letter of the word, dropping the first letter altogether?

Finally, how do I get rid of the notification screen when I first wake my phone up, please?

Thank you!
My only experience of Samsung keyboards is my tablet (running 5.1), but that doesn't do any of the things you worry about so I've no specific advice. You could set it not to add predictions when you hit space (so you need to explicitly select them), or you could make sure you only hit space once (it's more likely to insert a predicted next word if you double tap space - one tap should just enter the current word or an actual space). Or if the problem is that it's predicting word pairs you may be able to turn that off (otherwise you will have to select the single word prediction manually).

Or change keyboard - there are plenty out there. I'm typing this using SwiftKey, for example, though if that has a wolf theme I've never come across it (I prefer keyboard themes to be simply functional, i.e. easy to see keys & secondary characters, and not to distract me). Usually third party keyboards are more customisable than manufacturers' ones.
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