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Podcast directories are SOOOO CRAP!!!

Can anyone help me find the url to star talk, the radio show hosted by Neil DeGrasse Tyson?

The website only has a rss feed and I still don't know what to do with it. I click on it and I get a giant page of links, none of which are to the podcast. I've tried a bunch of them and they don't work.

So I also tried podcastalley and those types of sites and they bring up nothing. They always do. The only thing that will find a podcast AND the url of it seems to be itunes, but I run linux and can't install it.

So if someone could do me the favor of searching their itunes and getting me the url I would be DEEPLY grateful.

I just think it's stupid that some websites don't have a link to the URL. The RSS link has about 500 links of one type or another but no luck finding the fvcking podcast url.

I just wanna stab someone (not really). In the age of Google I can just about find anything that has been recorded, no matter how obscure. Why not podcast urls???????????
P.S. I do not have iTunes either because Apple sucks. Now do not get me wrong, I worship Steve Jobs but he is not Apple anymore. He answers to a board of directors like every other CEO out there and they have some shady business practices. Also, I find it weird that they do not make iTunes for Linux considering that Apple's OS and Linux are far more alike than Linux and Wi... Wi.... nope, still can not say it.

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